Today is our son Aaron’s birthday.  I think the kids are going to get together on Saturday to celebrate.  Aaron was actually born on Thanksgiving Day and every once in a while his birthday falls on Thanksgiving.  We will miss celebrating with him.

We had a good trip to Bolgatanga today.  We visited the slave camp in Paga and also the crocodile pond.  Both of the Steve’s held the tail of the crocodile that came up to eat the chicken.  They call the crocodiles to come out of the pond with live chickens.   You can imagine that the chicken is not alive for very long!

Our next stop was the cultural center.  Bolga is noted for their baskets but I did not buy baskets today.  Now I am not saying that I did not buy anything, just not baskets.  Ha!  I always seem to find something to buy.

On our trip back to Tamale the air conditioning in the van just did not seem to be cooling very well so after we dropped Steve Carr and John off at the hotel we took the van to the repair shop.  They said that the condenser was over heating and they removed it and used compressed gas to clean the system.  We also bought something they called a receiver.  The process of removing everything was quite involved.  They had to remove the head liner, the vents, the over head lights, the rear view mirror, the sun visors and door seals.  It was dark by the time they started putting it back together and the lights were out all over Tamale because one of the main transformers burned.  The repair shop does not have a generator.  They put the van back together and recharged the system with a flashlight and a couple lights on cell phones.  We are going to the game reserve at Mole tomorrow which is about 3 hours from Tamale.  We should get a pretty good idea as to whether or not the repairs worked.

We are tired so we will say good-night.


In His Service,

Steve and Kandie

John Colgan and Steve Carr
