Yesterday a friend called us to tell us that we should not go to the market at Kulkpeni. This all goes back to a land dispute between the Konkombas and the Dagombas when 3 people were killed. Two of the houses in Sambu that belonged to the Konkombas were burned and the stalls and huts in the Konkomba part of the market were destroyed. This caused the Konkombas to set up their market in Kulkpeni, the village where we have the seminar, the home of both of our watchmen and Timothy Niligrini. Our friend said that the word on the street was that a group of warriors were preparing to force the market to move back to Sambu. She wanted to warn us not to go to Kulkpeni to the market or any other function until the problems had been solved. She said that the environment was unsafe. We called Timothy and he said that they had heard the same information and that the information had passed on to the police and that the police and the military were patrolling Kulkpeni. When we talked to Divine he said that there was no way that the police could stop the market but he was wrong. The police removed all the structures the people had built in Kulkpeni and cleared the market area. Kulkpeni did not have a market today and neither did Sambu. The police / military went to Sambu and removed the structures there also. Timothy said that for now there was peace and they were going to turn the case over to the Ya-Na (King of Dagbon). The problem is that the Ya-Na is not around. He has gone somewhere so they will have to wait for him to return to solve the case. If he solves the case correctly each of the villages will get a day to have their market and they will not fall on the same day. Please pray that everything remains peaceful! Our watchmen did not come to work tonight because they needed to stay in Kulkpeni to protect their own houses. We personally are not in any danger.

Steve spent the bulk of the day working on his class material and I started a new quilt. I am struggling with it because it is more of an idea than a real pattern. I spent more time ripping stuff apart than making blocks but surely it will get easier. There is always the possibility that I abort this quilt and start on one that I actually have directions to! Ha! I don’t give up easily!

When we went for our walk this morning we stopped by our neighbor / friend Mr. Oldman’s shop to greet him. Steve forgot to call him when we got back to Ghana; Mr. Oldman did not know that we were around until he saw Steve walking around Yendi. Our greeting also carried an apology.

While we were at Mr. Oldman’s shop we found out that his eldest daughter (she is in her 20’s) has started a small business of her own. She is making and selling liquid soap, bleach, and antiseptic for cleaning. We ordered 2 gallons of soap and 1 gallon of antiseptic. We use the antiseptic to clean the floors at the Child Center. She was happy with the order and we were happy to help her business.

Enjoy your weekend!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie

The Monkeyshines

Mom said that “The Monkeyshines” are getting more attention than the “Yendi Notes”. I can’t say that I am surprised because I am much more entertaining than my parents are!

Dad took me outside with him this evening when he walked around the property to turn on the lights. The watchmen are supposed to turn on the lights but they were too scared to come out tonight. I, on the other hand, am afraid of everything that moves or wiggles! Seriously, there are so many creepy things out there! When we were walking around the property this evening it was almost dark, I am scared of the dark, Dad tried to make me get down and walk! What was he thinking? It had been raining and the ground was wet! Imagine darkness and wet ground! That was just too much for my little heart to take! Every time he tried to put me down I chattered, jumped back on and hung on for dear life! There are things out there in the dark that can eat a little monkey like me! Dad’s big and I felt safe as long as I was hanging on him.

Donkey tried to feed me my breakfast this morning but I did not feel like eating it and I only drank a little of my bottle for lunch. By 3:30 this afternoon I was starving! I drank 1 ½ bottles, ate a bunch of watermelon, shelled my own peanuts (sometimes Mom does that for me), ate mushrooms, pineapple, carrot, yellow melon, and tried to eat a cashew fruit but it was too sour! I ate all of that to make up for the meals I had missed. I was full and happy!

Bon Appetit!

Love, Skeeter
