We got a little rain last night; it was still drizzling when we went for our walk this morning.  Divine called and said that his area got a seriously heavy rain last night.  Maybe the rain will help his rice crop. 

Donkey left work early today because the girl he is helping go to school was sick.  She is a relative of his; I think that she is his niece.  The girl called Yahaya, Donkey’s son, to tell him she was sick.  Why she did not call Donkey is anyone’s guess.  Yahaya is the young man that finished the police academy last year.  He has been posted to an area called Naligro (wrong spelling) that is in the far northern part of Ghana.  He cannot leave his post so there is no way that he could help the sick girl.  She goes to school here in Yendi.  I said all that to say that Donkey was tied up this afternoon trying to get a doctor to see her.  The doctors do not work on the weekend at the clinic that is near Donkey’s house.  He called this afternoon to let us know that they were going to give the girl drips; she probably has malaria.

We spent part of the afternoon riding around Yendi looking for formula for the babies.  Our supplier will not come to Yendi until sometime next week.  Steve called him earlier in the week and told him we needed to buy 10 cases; he said that he would check the warehouse and see how many he could get his hands on.  We are afraid we will run out before the new supply comes so we went from shop to shop buying what we could find.  We were happy to find 26 cans. 

Some of Mr. Iddrisu’s children came this morning to harvest the sorry corn that he grew this year on the mission property.  Corn never does well on this property because they cannot afford the fertilizer but every year they plant it anyway.  This year’s crop was particularly terrible because not only did it not get fertilized but it did not get enough rain.  The rain that we have gotten the past few days will help the cassava that they planted on the back part of the property. 

Mr. Oldman’s daughter brought the soap and antiseptic this morning.  I had 3 empty gallon jugs that originally contained soap.  We gave her the empty containers.  She was happy to get them because that is 3 containers she does not have to buy.  She walked over to the mission house with her little sister.  They were all smiles when they left!

Thank you for the love, prayers and support!

In HIS Service,

Steve, Kandie and Skeeter

The Monkeyshines

I am presently tormenting Dad!  It is great fun to hear him holler!  All I have to do is jump on his back and bite his neck and then dart away; there is no way he can catch me from that angle!  I can do it over and over and I get the same results!  A screech and a holler and if I am lucky he will jump up and try to catch me!  “Chase me!  Chase me! If you can!  You can’t catch me, I’m the Monkey Man!” 

I love to climb up the poles to the clothes line but today I figured out how to crawl down the clothes line.  I cannot walk on top of the line because it is too thin but I can hang underneath the line with both my hands and feet and crawl across the line hand over hand and foot over foot.  When I got out of my cage this morning I went straight for the clothes line; it had been raining so my feet were a little slippery and I fell off the line a couple times.

Mom and I went outside this afternoon.  She plopped herself down in a chair right under one of the low hanging branches of the mango tree.  I had the best time climbing in the tree but I was very careful not to get too far away from Mom.  Mom showed me a spider that makes a cocoon type of web on the mango leaves.  The small green spider is inside the web.  They are very easy to catch and delicious!  Mom only had to show me a couple of the spiders before I was hunting them down all by myself!  I am a real hunter / gather type of guy!  I also found out that if I got out on the ends of the branches and jumped the leaves rattled and made lots of noise; just like I was a great ape stomping through the forest! 

I’m The Monkey Man!

Love, Skeeter
