On Wednesday evening when we got to the hotel in Accra Steve opened the email and we had a note from our bank in the states.  We usually come to Ghana with quite a bit of money; both from donations and our personal money.  The money has to be in “clean” 100 dollar bills for us to get the best rate when we exchange the money.  The bank manager kindly asked if we had a chance to cross check the money we had withdrawn and if we had the correct amount of money.  After a little bit of counting the money and the receipts for what we had already spent we figured out that we had the exact amount of money that we were supposed to have.  Steve called the bank to let them know we had all of our money.  It seems that their till was short on the day that we withdrew the money.  After Steve got off the phone I got to second guessing myself and was worried that perhaps we had left part of the money at our house in Alabama.  I called our daughter, Charity, and asked her to go to our house and double check the safes and the area where we had counted the money just to be sure that the mistake was not ours.  Charity and her daughter Faith rushed to our house; since we were in the hotel we had a  good Wi-Fi connection so Charity Face timed us and walked through the house so I could see what she was seeing.  At one point I told her to look behind the chest and under the bed; she turned her phone so I could look for myself!  It was a pretty clever idea actually.  They found nothing but some dust and cobwebs!  Ha!  We called the bank manager back and told her we had the kids look but they found nothing.  She was a bit surprised that we were going to such lengths to help find the money.  She said that we should not worry about it because she still had ways of checking for the money.  We asked her about the cameras and she said they have cameras but they are more like snap shots rather than video.  I was still worrying and could not sleep because my mind ran away with the “What if’s”!  I would hate for anyone to think we had absconded  the Lord’s money!  Maybe we would be arrested …!  Since I was awake I decided to call Charity back because I had thought of several other places the money might be.  They had just gotten out of church so Charity, her husband Marcus and all the kids went back to our house and looked again.  They found nothing.  Yesterday our son Jordan went to the bank to make a deposit and the bank manager told him that they had found the money and that she was going to send us an email.  Jordan knew how worried I was so he told her he would let us know.  Oh! What a happy day it was last night when we got the phone call!  

Timothy Niligrini the evangelist stopped by for a visit this afternoon just to say hello and to welcome us back to Ghana.  He was having a problem with the carburetor on his motorcycle so Steve gave him the money to get it fixed.

Red stopped by to pick up the leaf springs for his big truck that he bought when he came to Tamale yesterday to pick us up.  

When we went to the market today we saw Mr. Adams, the fix anything man, and we also stopped to greet Gomda the mechanic.  He was happy to see us because he wanted to share his good news with us; his wife is expecting twins.  They should be born next month.  He has 3 other children; he said that he hopes that both of them are girls.

Take care and have a great day!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie
