We were the first people at Japan Motors this morning; our name was the first one on the docket; you would have thought that they could have changed the oil quickly but no, when we went back at 1:00 to see how they were coming along; they had not finished it!  Imagine!  We were there when they opened the doors at 7:30.  At 1:00 they told us that no one was around because everyone had gone on lunch break and because today was Friday they all got to take a 2 hour lunch instead of 1 hour so that those who are Muslims could go to the mosque for the important Friday prayers.  When we called at 4:00 they told us that the van was finished; it had been finished a little while.  We finally left Japan motors shortly before 5:00when we finished paying our bill and headed back to Yendi. 

Red was in Tamale today too.  He drove my brother Paul’s truck to Tamale this morning so that we could have the air conditioning worked on.  It is miserable to have to travel in this heat without air conditioning!  The A/C man was surprised that everything in the compressor was seized up.  He said that the only time he ever sees a compressor in this condition is if it has been sitting up for a long period of time.  We told him that the truck had been sitting for years; it has been sitting since before the Covid outbreak!  He said that it needed a new compressor.  He said that we could buy a new one that would be sent up from Accra or we could try a used one.  He said that someone had a used one but he had no idea if it was good or not and that he could not make any guarantees on the used compressor but he said that he would guarantee the new one for 5 years.  We called Paul and he said to go with the new one.  The new one is supposed to arrive on the bus in the morning.  We gave Red the option of riding back to Yendi with us and returning in the morning on the bus or spending the night.  He decided to spend the night.  We gave him the money for a hotel room but he will not get a hotel room.   He has a sister that lives in Tamale so he will spend the night at her house and put the hotel money in his pocket.  It is nice to have a little something extra.  Hopefully the vehicle will be ready tomorrow.

Zorash called a little while ago to tell us that Adamu’s mother has reappeared!  She said that she heard that she arrived on today’s bus.  She has not seen her yet.  Zorash wanted to know what we are going to do about Azara, the lady that sells green leaves since we have already paid her for a month.  We told her that there was nothing we could do about her; the baby belongs to the mother.  We cannot ask for the money back; Azara will have to hand the child over to the mother.  It will just be a lucky day for Azara.  We told Zorash that we did not want to pay the mother to sit at the hospital with her own child.  The problem is we never personally talked to the mother so we do not know what she has been promised by her husband or the nutritional nurses if she comes back to Yendi to take care of her own child!  

Have a great day!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie

The Monkey Shines

I have had a rough 1 ½ days!  My parents ran off and left me in the care of babysitters.  The babysitters were Donkey and Mr. Iddrisu.  Now I ask you what do these men know about taking care of a baby like me?  I will tell you the answer, “Not Much!”  First off I like Donkey but I do not like Mr. Iddrisu.  The problem with Mr. Iddrisu is that he wears a very strange hat and I can’t look at him without looking at the hat!  The hat scares me and I feel the urge to scream when I see him and that hat.  Mom has told him that I don’t like the hat but he still wears it.  At this rate I will never make friends with him.  

One of the babysitters thought that I needed extra water to drink.  I already have a very nice water dish which was filled with clean water.  Whoever thought extra water was a good idea decided to fill my dry food container with water.  Really!  They ruined all my favorite dry treats by pouring water all over them.  What are they blind?  Well, maybe one of them is blind; Mr. Iddrisu just had surgery to remove a cataract from his eye and he needs glasses to be able to see properly which he has not yet gotten.  I bet it was Mr. Iddrisu that filled my food dish with water.  While Mom and Dad were gone I was a bit hungry because I am a nibbler and I did not have any of my favorite treats to eat while they were gone.  I guess I could have put my hand into the soupy mixture and picked out a soggy peanut but the other treats were ruined.  Did you know that frosted flakes grow to twice their original size when they soak in water?  Disgusting!  Mom told me not to worry about it; she was going to get to the bottom of the problem and let them know that the container is a food dish not a water bowl!  

I sure was happy to see the parents when they drove in the driveway this evening!

Welcome Home!

Love Skeeter
