We sat in the Ghana Revenue Tax office this morning from 9:00 am until 12:15 pm. All of our waiting paid off because we were able to get everything registered, a new file opened and we also got the tax clearance certificate. Hey!
As we were leaving the tax office Red called and he said that he had the load of gravel we had ordered for the mission house. We like to have gravel on the property so that it will be easy to get to when we need to fill in holes and add gravel to the places that wash out when we get the heavy rains. We got to the mission house before he arrived. We got rain yesterday so the yard was soft. His truck got mired down and he had to put large stones under the tire to balance the truck so he could dump the load. He is supposed to bring 2 loads to the church yard at Kulkpeni but he said that the ground was too soft so he was going to have to check to see if he could get gravel from another area.
As soon as we paid Red for the gravel we headed back to Tamale. Yes, I said back to Tamale! The Land’s Commission told us that the only thing that was holding us up from getting the lease was the Tax Clearance Certificate and the paperwork from the Registrar General’s office. As soon as Steve had the last document in his hand he wanted to deliver it! We made a turnaround trip to Tamale and back this afternoon. It only took a few minutes to hand off the documents to the lawyer’s secretary. The lawyer’s secretaries apologized for the lawyer’s absence; he will not be in his office for the next 2 weeks. Steve told the ladies not to worry because the Land’s commission has been waiting on us to get the last documents to them for almost 2 years so the least he could do was patiently wait for 2 more weeks. They thought that was very funny!
Thank you for the love, prayers and support. We really appreciate all you do for the work and for helping spread the gospel in Ghana.
In His Service,
Steve and Kandie