Our area of town had a wind squall come up last night that dropped just enough rain where the water mixed with the dust   to mess up the green pickup’s windshield after I had cleaned them yesterday. We hoped for more rain but it was not to be. It is amazing to smell the water in this dry arid land. It reminds me of what I was told as a child that some animals can smell water which I found at the time  hard to believe but the older you are the wiser you become. 

Timothy had planned for us to visit the village at Yowando today but he called last night to say the area had a funeral. He also told me that one of the men who used to be an evangelist on payroll had died near that village. It was sad news because this man had left the Church some years ago . 

It was hard pulling myself out of bed this morning due to trying to acclimate to this heat. Yesterday the temperature was 109 degrees F. with a heat index of 112 degrees F.  We ended up going to Kulkpeni for services this morning.  The electricity was off in the building so Kandie and I positioned ourselves on a bench in the back of the building where there was an occasional breeze.

Brother Simone, the young brother who had planned to teach the bible class, asked me to teach in his stead. I was reluctant to accept at first until he insisted so I made sure to publicly thank him for the kind gesture of giving up his spot. I taught a lesson using the title “What can we do with our hands?” I kept my promise of keeping my lesson short but we had several good questions asked which made the class go longer. One brother asked the question that surfaced during our discussion “if witches and Juju(witch doctors)  are not real, is Satan real? My answer ;“Yes, definitely!” You see Satan has done such a good job telling the lie that Juju, soothsayers, witches, etc. are real to this pagan culture, it causes many people to worry that some of these people really have power. It is like the idea that politicians use by telling a lie enough times people will start to believe it is true even though it isn’t. Mmmm, sound familiar. 

As we drove back to the mission house we looked for some eggs sellers. We usually buy our eggs by the flat but we forgot to bring our eggs crates so I ended up buying  12 eggs from a lady who charged me 2.50 Cedis each ( 20 cents each=$2.40USD for 12 eggs) . That was a high price to pay but I wanted an omelet for lunch. 

Red came by later this afternoon to pick up our two bicycles that we have had stored for years. I also gave him two old batteries that I had sitting around.  I figure he will have the car electrician to dump out the old battery acid and put new in to try to get them to work for a while.  One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

Hope you had a good Lord’s Day. Thanks for your support and prayers. May God bless.

In His service,

Stephen and Kandie Taylor 
