Steve got the new wall in the storeroom painted.  It took 2 coats of paint because the paint is sort of a chalky substance and the new plaster was very thirsty.  The last time we painted the storeroom we mixed the paint.  The paint here is very saturated with color.  The brighter and bolder the better they seem to like it.  Pastels are not available.  We actually did a pretty good job of matching the color.   We can’t see much of the wall because it is lined with bookcases.  After Steve got the wall painted we started the odious task of sorting screws and nails.  It was hot in the storeroom while we were working.  There are no windows to open and only one door; no air conditioning but at least we had a ceiling fan and a floor fan.  The high temperature today was 109 degrees.  All the moisture in the room made it seem hotter.  Not only was the paint wet but we had to wet mop the floor several times to get rid of the residue from the plaster that fell on the floor.  We are making headway and the room looks better.

Only one mother tried to come to the Center this morning.  This lady is mentally delayed; she has a good support system because usually there is nothing wrong with her child, she just comes to get vitamins and weaning mix.  We were in the yard raking leaves when she came so we loaded her up with mangoes; she was all smiles and happier than if she had gotten the vitamins.

We went to the back of the property late this afternoon and picked up the mangoes.  We got 6 buckets of mangoes today.  We took some to Gomda, the mechanic that keeps our vehicles running, we took some to Aminu, the guy we buy building supplies from and the bulk of them we took to the prison so the officers could share them with the inmates.  All in all everyone was pleased with the gift of mangoes.

We went back to the GRA tax office this morning because in the past we have had to give them a copy of the Child Center’s audit and a hard copy of the annual return.  We also noticed that the Child Center’s annual return from 2021 had three red boxes and we wanted them to be removed.  We searched through our old receipts and found the receipts that proved we had paid.  The officer that helped us said that we should not worry about the red boxes because last time we needed a tax clearance certificate he removed them and he is not sure why they did not go away but there was no problem.  Well you know I have a hard time believing that; I told him that I was going to get a recorder and record him telling us not to worry.  He thought that was very funny!  He said he did need a hard copy of the audit and the annual return so he took them to give to someone else but when he came back he said that they did not need them.  We will keep the copies just in case.

It is thundering so maybe there is rain in our future.  We caught another rat last night; that is 3 that we have caught.  These rats are big; they are as big as a squirrel.  Donkey likes to eat the rats.  He said that he also caught a rat last night.  Lucky man!

Have a great day!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie
