We have been on the go all day long and we are tired!  John was going to write the Yendi Notes tonight until he found out that both he and Steve Carr are preaching tomorrow.  We are going to take 2 vehicles tomorrow and divide and conquer.  This way two congregations will get a visit.  I guess we forgot to tell the guys that not only would they be teaching at the seminar but they would also be preaching when we go to the bush.  OOPS!  At least they found out before tomorrow morning.  Actually neither of them is worried about it.

We bought almost all the supplies we are going to use during the seminar.  We took both the van and the truck to the market.  The truck was completely full of rice, beans and corn.  The van carried the smaller items; oil, sugar, tinned tomatoes, soap and spices.  It took us almost until noon to get all the items.  It was so hot in the market and I forgot my hat so I wore a basket on my head for a hat.  The people laughed at me but at least I did not get burned!

Steve Carr made the inventory list of all the items and loaded the motor king and the van with the items we were taking to Kulkpeni for the seminar so we will be sure to get everything back when the seminar is over.  Most of the stuff we use year after year.  After lunch we took most of the supplies we bought and all the pots, pans, utensils, jerry cans and water containers that the ladies will need for food preparation out to Kulkpeni.  It took 3 vehicles to transport all the stuff but at least we had an extra driver and did not have to make multiple trips.

John got the pleasure of driving the motor king out to Kulkpeni.  (the motor king is a three wheeled motorcycle type vehicle that has a truck bed attached to the back)

Some of the fan control boxes in the apartment do not work like they should and needed to be replaced.  We were excited when John said he could re-wire them for us.  After we left the market we stopped and bought the replacement boxes.  At last count he had 3 of them changed out and working.

Having two Steve’s around is rather confusing not only for me but for the Steve’s too.  We may have to name them Steve 1 and Steve 2.

Please keep us and the work in your prayers.


In His Service,

Steve and Kandie

John Colgan and Steve Carr
