It was hot today.  The high temperature was 101 degrees with a heat index of 107 degrees.  We had to be outside in the heat most of the day!  The air condition in our bedroom feels so good!  Thanks so much for an air conditioned bedroom to relax in.

Today was the monthly class for the evangelists and church leaders.  Steve did the bulk of the teaching because Timothy Niligrini’s little girl Sarah busted her lip when she ran into a child that was passing their house on a bicycle.  She had to have a stitch.  Any time you have to go to the hospital it takes a long time.

Today Steve gave the men the children’s class material that the ladies at Bethel compiled on the story of Abraham, Hagar and Sarah.   They are always excited when they get new class material.  The class material presentation only took up a small portion of the class time so Steve passed out a tract on homosexuality and discussed that too.  

Today eight men came to class that were not able to attend last month so they received a bicycle today and the money to transport the bicycle back to their villages.  They were very proud of the bicycles.  

Red stopped by for a visit a little while ago; he wanted to check on my brother Paul’s truck.  Paul called Red and told him to start the truck and drive it around to make sure that it was still running.  Red would have done that but when he popped the hood it did not have a battery!  Surprise!  Upon further reflection we remember that we shared one of the batteries we had at the mission house with Paul last time he came to Ghana which was before the Corona Pandemic.  Steve put another of our batteries on the charger so that it can charge overnight.  Red will try to start the truck tomorrow.  

Divine stopped by late yesterday afternoon; he wanted Steve to type and print a letter for him.  He is petitioning for a polling station to be brought to his village of Kpamang.  He thinks that if Kpamang has a polling station it will bring development to the area.  Divine stopped by this afternoon to pick up the letters and some envelopes.

Thank you for your prayers.

In His Service,

Steve and Kandie
