Steve made several trips to town today.  The guy that we buy formula from called and said that he was able to find 10 cases of formula and that he was in Yendi.  The guy drives a big truck loaded with Nestles products.  He drives around from town to town, parks and sells out of the back of the truck.  Nestles is the company that makes the formula we use in the Child Center.  Steve had a hard time finding him this morning; many of the roads are blocked because they are making a new road down through the middle of Yendi and the streets are a mess!  While he was in town he passed by the lady who usually fries yeast bread but today she was frying a different type of bread; it is made with baking powder instead of yeast.  The dough has sugar and nutmeg and is more like eating a doughnut.  They call one type bofruit and the other rough-ban.  We like both types; Steve prefers the bofruit and I prefer the rough-ban.  Steve bought us some for lunch.

He also bought the powdered milk for the severely malnourished babies from the same man who sells the formula but he realized that he bought the wrong size milk.  He went back in search of the vendor but he had moved to another part of Yendi.  The packets are smaller than the ones we normally give out; we decided to keep them and just give them several small packets instead of one large one.

Later this afternoon we went out in search of cabbage.  The cabbage has been pitiful!  Steve spied some fresh looking cabbage while he was out so we went to town to check it out.  Skeeter is also out of his dry snack food.  I don’t know how long he has been out but I noticed that Mr. Iddrisu has not put any in his cage for the past few days so I asked him about it.  He confirmed that he was out.  Neither he nor Donkey said anything about Skeeter being out of food; it just makes me wonder when or if they would have ever said anything.

Steve talked to Timothy, the evangelist today and he said that Lot, one of the preachers in the Bimbilia area wants to start selling communion juice to the churches in that area.  He told Timothy what he wanted to do and asked if we would show him the shops that we buy the juice from.  Timothy was surprised when Steve told him the price of a box of juice.  Timothy sells the juice to the churches but he did not realize that Steve subsidized the juice so heavily.  Timothy said that Lot was going to be surprised too.  Lot wants to sell juice to the churches as a business.  Steve told Timothy to let Lot know that he would not subsidize the juice for his business.  I wonder what they are going to do about the bread.  Timothy’s wife Rita makes the bread for the churches; maybe Lot’s wife will make the bread.

Red stopped by for a visit this afternoon.  He said he just wanted to see how we were doing.  We gave him the pictures we took of him and his children last time we were in Ghana.

Thank you for all you do for us and for the work!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie

The Monkeyshines

I am sulking again!  My feelings are hurt!  I was being too wild so Dad caught me and put the bell on my belt!  Poor me!  I am sitting in Mom’s lap looking pitiful hoping that she will have mercy on my soul and set me free!  My soulful looks were not working so I climbed down inside her dress to try to forget my problems!  In case you are wondering, it is not working!  I am still stressed out.  I have to hold on to the bell to keep it from ringing!  That ringing sound just makes me nervous.  I am going to close my eyes and go to sleep and hopefully when I wake up I will find out this is just a bad dream! 

I had a great afternoon; I ran and played outside.  I am getting really good at jumping up in the tree.  I keep venturing out further and further but I keep a close eye on Mom; if she even looks like she is making a move to get up I quickly get out of the tree!  Mom sits under the tree in a homemade recliner; the recliner is made of small sticks that the bark has been taken off of.  The small sticks are green when they make the chairs and the chairs are woven together with small nylon rope.  When I get ready to get out of the tree I take a big jump and land right in the middle of Mom’s stomach.  She says that it is fine for a baby monkey to jump on your stomach but when I get full grown and weigh 35 pounds that nonsense will have to stop.  She said she will move her chair; now I ask you what fun will that be?

Yesterday I found one of those little canisters that come in pills; those things that keep the pills dry.  Well I opened it and part of it got in my mouth before Dad yanked it away from me.  I heard Mom and Dad talking and wondering if the contents was dangerous for me.  Mom said if I keep pooping I should be OK!  It makes me worry; I sure hope I don’t die!  Mom had to change 3 poopy diapers today so maybe that means I will be fine.


Love, Skeeter
