Good evening,

     My son (Taylor) wrote the Yendi notes last night so I guess it’s my turn to give it a go.  For those of you who may not know me, my name is Marcus Holladay and I’m Steve and Kandie’s son-in-law.  We had a very busy but productive day.  

     Our day started around 6:30am, we were headed out for a safari when we saw one of the workers for the Mole Hotel chasing a group of 5-8 baboons around the hotel with a stick.  Apparently, the baboons have learned that they can bang on the door and wait for someone to open the door and then run in and steal whatever food they find in the room.  A baboon knocked on the door to our hotel room while we were out on the safari but luckily Red the driver was there; he was able to get them out of the room before they could steal anything.  I must admit I have laughed about this all day.  After a quick breakfast, we loaded up the van and made the 3 hour drive to Tamale.

   Once in Tamale, our first stop was to the Registrar General’s office, but unfortunately he was not there today.  Next we divided and conquered, Red dropped me, Kandie, and Taylor off at the culture center; Steve and Red headed to the market to buy communion juice for the churches and formula for the babies that come to the Child Center.  At this point, I would like to point out that watching Kandie barter with the local people over price is like watching Beethoven write a symphony,  Einstein working on the theory of relativity, or Alabama Football win another national championship 😉  it never gets old. 

    After completing our business in Tamale, we made the two hour drive to the mission house in Yendi, got the van unloaded, and grabbed a bite to eat while putting the finishing touches on the lessons for the preachers’ class tomorrow.  I guess I will close this note out with a weather report; it was a hot 108 degrees with a 120 heat index today! 

Thank you all for your love and Support,

In His service,

 Steve, Kandie, Marcus and Taylor
