Today’s Yendi Notes by John Colgan

Steve Carr and I needed to string up some razor wire today on the fence that surrounds the property and we decided that 6 AM was the best time to do it.  Early enough so that the temperature was tolerable for outside work, but bright enough we would have a chance at seeing any snakes in our work area.  I carried the supplies and tools to the job site in the back of the three wheeled motorcycle, wondering why Steve didn’t want to ride along.  By the time I got to the jobsite I knew the answer.  The field was very rough so the motor king jumped and lurched every step of the way.  I have never been on a mechanical bull, but bet it is a very similar experience.  We installed all the wire we had just in time for breakfast at 8AM.  We then carried some old salvaged wire and finished the razor wire job. (Steve and I walked to the jobsite.)

We got back to the house and quickly made our way over to the Child Development Center to assist with the stream of babies coming in for care.  Kandie had our stations ready and we were all soon fully engaged in the work.  Babies are the same all over the world, mama puts them down on a cool (nothing is cold here) shiny scale and 90% will start to whine and cry.  Steve and Kandie are a wonder to behold.  Working through an interpreter they quickly assess each child’s condition and give sage advice and appropriate care.  We all worked there until noon, then headed over, cleaned up and had lunch. By the way, anytime any of us mention a meal here in the notes, just assume Kandie prepared it and it was delicious.

After lunch we worked on various chores for an hour or so, then Both the Steves and I, along with our interpreter Mr. Iddrisu, ran into town.  (Warning: the following section contains multiple grammatical errors.  If such things bother you, skip to the next paragraph) We visited the leper colony and gave them some food and clothing for which they were very grateful.  Visited a double amputee whose prosthetic legs the Church had helped with.  Dropped by to talk with the lady who will be supplying 200 loaves of bread from charcoal fired ovens for the seminar. And completed several other more trivial tasks.

When we got back to the mission house Steve Carr and I folded 400 programs for the seminar, cleaned the air filter on the whole house generator, and divided a 100 pound bag of sugar into one gallon zip lock bags.  After a short break, we had another wonderful meal and conversation.  Steve and I re-arranged the thawing pig pieces to help keep them all thawing at about the same rate and are now preparing to turn in.

Time until the seminar is short, and the To Do lists are long.  Please remember us in your prayers, asking that the seminar go off smoothly, be edifying and educational.

In His Service,

Steve and Kandie

John Colgan and Steve Carr
