Dawda, the mason and his men showed up around 9:30 this morning. Steve, Mr. Iddrisu and Nazo had already made a trip to Kulkpeni to pick up the water container that we rented for the flooring project. Steve had to pay for the 8 days that we used the container. The owner was not around and Timothy Niligrini had gone to the farm so Steve left the rent money with Timothy’s teenage son Isaac.
Dawda and his crew got the footer dug this morning; this afternoon they mixed and poured the footer. They plan to start laying blocks tomorrow. Midway through the morning they asked for cold water so Steve loaded up the big cooler with frozen bags of water and non-frozen water. They had cold water to drink the rest of the day.
Tomorrow is the monthly evangelists’/church leaders’ class. This is the month that we give them dress shirts and ties so they will look “fresh” for the seminar. Steve also plans on distributing the bicycle tires and tubes. They will enjoy tomorrow’s class!
Steve and I spent part of the afternoon folding the shirts that are going to be given away and matching ties to them. I decided that I wanted to put pins in the shirts so they could not unfold them. If they are not pinned the first people to make their selection will unfold every shirt and then they no longer look neat for the rest of the men. They have no idea of how to refold them.
I did not have enough straight pins to pin the shirts so we went to town in search of straight pins. I was having a language barrier problem. They knew that I wanted pins but they could not get the idea of a straight pin. I even checked the Juju stall; where they sell the items used by the Juju (witch doctors and traditional healers) to see if they had any. All they had were sewing needles. Finally at the 3rd shop I spied some. They said that they are not pins, they call them office pins because the offices buy them to attach papers together when they do not have staplers. We backtracked and I asked the other shops if they had office pins and sure enough everyone had them. Next time I will know to ask for office pins instead of straight pins.
While we were in town we stopped at the guy who barbecues goats and bought a hind quarter for supper. It was not quite done so I put it in the oven to finish cooking.
Take care and please keep us in your prayers.
In His Service,
Steve and Kandie