Today’s Yendi Notes are being produced by Steve Carr.

John and I worked on sorting out some of the keys for the round houses and labeling them.  Also, we lubricated some of the door hinges and latches to our room.  There is nothing like waking up to a creaking door in the middle of the night.

The Good News Child Development Center opened at 9:00 until noon.  My task was to divide a tub of ground parched soybean and corn mixture into cup size bags while John recorded the ledger for each visit.  The ground soybean and corn mixture is used to make a soup for helping wean the babies.  My blue jeans were white when I finished.

A mother brought an 8 or 9 year old boy into the clinic.  Someone had sent her to us for help.  We were not sure what was wrong at first but finally were able to determine that the boy was deaf.  Steve called a local social worker who came and talked with the mother to get the child registered to attend a special school for the deaf.  John gave the boy a rubber ball about the size of a soccer ball and we kicked it back and forth with him.

After lunch we went to visit the Regent, the acting king of the region.  He was pleased that we came to visit him and thanked Steve for the work that the Good News Child Development Center was doing.  The Regent was very nice and we were given four ginny hens and several large yams as a token of friendship as we departed.

Also this afternoon we went to buy firewood for the seminar and hauled it to the church at Kulkpeni.  John drove the motor-king which has a bed on back for hauling and we took the pickup.  Both were loaded down with firewood.  It was quite a sight to see John driving the motor-king filled with firewood.

We rotated the pigs that were still thawing in the freezer this morning and this afternoon.  We plan to take them to Kulkpeni early tomorrow morning for cooking.  Let the cooking begin!

Please keep us and the work in your prayers.

In His Service,

Steve and Kandie

John Colgan and Steve Carr
