First thing this morning Zorash called to let me know that the lady that sells fabric “seconds” had gotten a new batch.  Zorash owed us a day of work from earlier in the week.  We let her pay back her day by going shopping with me.  I found a couple of pieces of fabric that I liked; the fabric is usually in 2 yard lengths.  When I got back to the mission house and looked at them in the light I noticed that the design was the same but the background was not; one of the backgrounds was turquoise and the other one was blue-green.  I called Zorash and asked her to go back to the ladies house with me so we could see if we could find another piece to match the turquoise.  We were lucky; we found a piece that matched.  

Dawda did not have as many people working today as he has the past few days.  He was doing mostly trim type work today.  He made the gables over the porches; they are so cute!  Of course Dawda told me that he forgot to include the trim work and the gables in the original estimate!  Not surprised!

This afternoon we called Red to see if he would go with us to look at the outhouse at Kulkpeni.  If you remember 6 or 7 years ago we made a metal outhouse with handles and legs so that it could be moved when the pit under it got full.  Well, over the years the metal floor and the lower part of the walls and doors have begun to rust.  The outhouse has plenty of height so we decided to haul it back to Yendi so Red could cut off the bottom, add a new floor, adjust the door and spray paint it.  When he gets done it should last for another 5 or 6 years.  We had planned on loading it in the pickup but too much of it was going to hang off and we were afraid that we would lose it on the way back to Yendi.   We hired a motor king in Kulkpeni to haul it for us.  They loaded it crossways on the motor king; we followed the motor king in the truck with our flashers on.  

On our way into Yendi we came upon an accident.  The driver of a motor king loaded with 19 ft. rebar had evidently lost control and the motor king tipped over.  They said the driver was killed instantly.  There was such a crowd of people standing around and vehicles lining the road.  We only stopped for a minute to find out what was going on and then we headed on to Yendi.  All those people all over the road is just another accident waiting to happen!  So sad!

Steve spent part of the day working on the monthly report.  Right now he is outside trimming the bougainvillea and some of the other bushes.  That bougainvillea has thorns that are a couple inches long.  It is a beautiful but wicked plant!

Thank you for all your help!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie 
