We thought the carpenter was going to put the roof on the building at Kulkpeni this morning but when he came to the jobsite he decided to change the price he quoted Timothy.  He told Timothy that each room would be 200 Cedis (about 20 dollars) but this morning he said that he had to have 300 Cedis for each room because he did not know that the building was made of cement gravel blocks.  What in the world, who cares what the walls are made of?  The roof is the same size whether it is mud ball, mud blocks, cement blocks or gravel blocks.  We can’t see how that changes a thing.  We did some talking and we compromised and are going to pay 250 Cedis per room.  We figure that the carpenter figured out that we are Americans instead of Ghanaians and that is why the price went up.  We have never met this carpenter.

This afternoon we went back to the hospital to check on Adamu and to talk to her father.  Zorash talked with Adamu’s father yesterday and he said he would meet us at the hospital this afternoon.  When Zorash called him he said that he had gone to work on his farm and could not meet with us.  Yesterday we found out that Adamu’s great Aunt, the lady who took her to the hospital does not want to continue to stay at the hospital to feed her.  She does not even live in Yendi; she came for a visit and stayed because of Adamu’s condition.  She said that she was a widow and that it was time to harvest Shea nuts so she would have something to feed her children and grandchildren.  She also said that she believes the child is not really a child but is a witch and that it would be better if she was no more (died).  She said that they had met with 3 men who were fetish (witchdoctors) that said Adamu’s problem was not a hospital problem (the hospital could not help her) but that her problem was a spiritual one and they knew how to solve the problem.  Scary stuff because once the special children are identified as non-human they are helped to die or neglected until they die.  The nutritional nurses at the hospital want Adamu to stay in the hospital for 3 months.  We are finding it very difficult to find a family member who is willing to sit at the hospital for 3 months.  We thought about hiring the teenage girl that lives with Adamu’s grandmother but she is starting back to school in 3 days.  We finally decided that we would try to hire someone to sit at the hospital with Adamu.  The great aunt had to think about the offer and talk to the family before she could decide.  This afternoon she agreed to stay for one month if we provided money to cover what she would lose from harvesting Shea nuts and corn.  She also asked us to pay for her food while she sits at the hospital and to provide disposable diapers for Adamu.  We agreed and in return we made it clear that they were not supposed to consult with the fetish healers.  She will stay 1 month and if she likes the arrangement she has the option to stay another month.  We are hopeful that this arrangement will work out.  Steve talked to Dr. Owusu about the case today and he said that he is afraid the family will poison her and he suggests that once she is discharged from the hospital she should be sent to the orphans’ home.  Steve is also going to contact Social Welfare and get them involved.  Ideally it would be best for her to stay in her own family unit but if it is not safe something else must be done.

Have a great day!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie

Skeeter’s Monkey Business

Yesterday, Sunday was another awful day for me!  Not only were my people gone for a long time when they went to visit the church but I had to have 2 baths!  I thought one bath was going to kill me but 2 baths on the same day!  The problem is that I pooped in the bedding in my basket house and then I got wild and wooly and ended up rolling in it!  Dad can’t stand the smell of monkey poop!  He said that the smell gets stuck in his nose!  Now how is that possible?

I am growing!  Mom had to upsize my diapers!  At first she was cutting the smallest size diaper in half to make 2 diapers but today she cut about 1/3rd off of the diaper and it fit much better.  Soon I will outgrow my rompers. 

Dates, do you like dates?  I am talking about the dates; the fruit that you eat?  I have decided that I love them.  Dad eats them and I always want to try everything he eats.  They are sweet and delicious but they make my hands sticky and one of them got stuck to the fur on my arm.  It about worried me to death.  Mom finally stuck my arm and hand under the faucet and washed it off.  These dates are not pitted.  I love to get down to the seed so I can carry it around in my cheek pouch!  


Love Skeeter
