Does anybody know anyone that was born on Leap Year?  I think it would be rather cool to be a Leap Year baby; imagine how slowly you would age if you really counted your actual birthday days.

The workers were happy with the cabbage that we bought yesterday while we were shopping in Tamale.  The cabbage is not grown here but to the north of us near the rivers where they are into irrigating the crops.  Some farmers are planting green leaves and lettuce around the river at Kulkpeni but they do not plant cabbage.  We also found eggplant, cauliflower, cucumbers, carrots and lettuce.  Steve is in the process of making us a salad to go with our supper.  We brought powdered Ranch dressing mix with us from the states so we are all set.  The workers will finely chop their cabbage and mix it in with their peanut butter soup.

Steve got the new scale mounted on the table this morning and it worked beautifully.  We took the old one to Mr. Adams’, the fix-it man, shop but he was not around.  We left it with the guys that work for him.  Maybe he can fix the spring so we will have a back-up scale.

While we were out we bought eggs.  I fixed cornbread for lunch and had no eggs.  The cornbread was a little crumblier than normal even though I added a little more oil to compensate for not having eggs; it was still good.

I found out a little more about the severely malnourished abandoned baby.  The mother of the baby was not married to the baby’s father and evidently he was not doing anything much to care for the child.  The mother was trying to go to school.  One day the mother paid a visit to the baby’s paternal grandmother.  The baby was in bad shape when the mother came to visit.  The mother said that she was going to go out to go to the bathroom and she never returned; she just left the baby on the grandmother’s door step.  The grandmother lives in the same area of Yendi as Zorash does so she knew the grandmother.  Also the teenage girl that is interested in helping the baby was taken away from her real mother when she was a baby because the old woman wanted to raise her.  So the best I can figure is that the teenage girl is the niece of the grandmother and the abandoned baby is the granddaughter of the old grandmother whose door step the baby was dropped off at.  Still confused?  So am I!

Thank you for all you do for us and for the children here in Ghana; God will bless you for helping us help these people and spread the gospel.

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie  
