We went to see Adamu, the malnourished abandoned child, again today.  She seems to be doing better.  While we were there we had them feed her and she ate much quicker today than she did the last time.  It only took her about 10 minutes to eat today.  We were encouraged when they said that they had already fed her 7 times today.  These children are too weak to cry and demand to be fed so the caregiver has to be diligent in feeding them every couple hours.  The grandmother was in the process of boiling the roots from some tree.  Obviously she has consulted the Juju to see what to do for the child.  She is boiling the roots to use to bathe the baby in.  We questioned them to make sure that they were not giving the concoction to the child to drink because no telling if the roots would be safe to ingest.  Zorash went with us because we always need an interpreter. We took Adamu a cloth baby doll.  She was afraid of it; she has never seen a baby doll!  Pretty creepy!

Today was the monthly class for the church leaders and evangelists.  Steve said that 26 men attended the class.  We packaged 8 mangoes for each of the men to have to eat with their lunch.  They enjoyed the treat.  Today was hot again; the high temperature was 111 degrees with a heat index of 121 degrees.  The church building at Kulkpeni where the classes were held has no electricity.  They are in the process of changing from a post-paid meter to a pre-paid meter so there were no fans running today.  The men moved the benches outside and had class under the trees.  Steve got back to the mission house around 2:30.  

While Steve was teaching class I worked in the storeroom.  I got almost everything put in the new shelving unit and now the floors are clean and it is easier to walk around.  There are still things that need a home but Steve will have to take over and decide where he wants his tools put.  

After we picked up the mangoes we went to town to distribute them to the children.  We try to go to different areas of Yendi each day.  Evidently we stopped the teenagers from crossing the wall (for the moment) because we did not see any foot prints today.

Divine came back from Tamale this morning; he did not have good news for us about the church documents.  Evidently something happened to last year’s documents or the money to file the documents disappeared!  If the churches want last year documents filed they have to pay to have them redone.  One of the officers said that the documents may have been thrown away when they were remodeling.  The receipts are not issued until the forms are filed so there is no evidence that the documents were with them.  It is a mess to say the least!  The churches are too poor to be able to pay the fees so we have no choice but to help them the second time around.  

Please continue to pray for us!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie
