The hospital prescribed more IV antibiotics for Adamu; they said that she had a fever and that the white blood count on her last blood work was high.  Steve said he saw the test results and that everything was in the normal range so he is not sure why they decided she needs more antibiotics; the nutritional nurse said that they were treating her for Sepsis.  She still had a fever today; they prescribed Tylenol suppositories too.  There is a very good possibility that she has a virus which will not be helped by antibiotics.  She is still eating well for which we are happy!  When we went to the hospital today Steve went to the pharmacy and bought the drugs that were prescribed.  

The severely malnourished twins that the mother refused to let be admitted yesterday did not come back to the hospital today as the mother promised.  We were afraid that would happen.  Many times the family says that malnutrition is not a case for the hospital and they will refuse to let the mothers bring them to the hospital.  We may not see them again until they run out of food for the children.

On our way to town we stopped and bought dried field corn, salt and soybeans so we can make a couple batches of weaning mix next week.  Steve likes to have everything packed down before we leave so the workers do not have to buy or make anything while we are gone.  Most of the time it works out well, we also leave money in the bank so they have access to money if an emergency comes up.

Zorash talked to the father of the intersex child last night; he said that he still has not been able to talk to the doctor and they have not yet taken off the bandages.  One of the people that is taking care of the child told him that the child is a boy.  The father is so worried about the child.  One group of doctors says the child is a girl and another says it is a boy!  What a nightmare!

The contractors who are making a new bridge at Kulkpeni has agreed to haul gravel for us to fill a huge pit that is on the church property.  When they were building the first building around the church property they harvested the gravel from the property which left a huge pit.  Normally these pits turn into dump and debris piles and over time fill in naturally but this one never did.  It is an eye sore.  The church members said that if we buy the gravel they will level the gravel.  We are going to buy the gravel but seeing the leveling is believing!

We had a good discussion about marriage and pre-marital sex which is a serious problem in this society.  The desire to have children is so strong that many people hold to the belief that the men should try the woman before they marry to make sure that she can have children. 

Have a great week!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie

The Monkey Shines

I told you that Mr. Iddrisu worries me especially when he comes so close to the cage to feed me but I am so hungry that I have to take my bottle from him.  I have figured out a way to drink my bottle and still hide from him.  I told you that a plastic bag is my security blanket.  Well, Mom gave me a huge piece of blue plastic.   I can roll myself up in the plastic and hide.  When Mr. Iddrisu comes to feed me I roll up in the plastic with only my head and hands sticking out.  In this position I can drink my bottle without looking at him!  Aren’t I clever?

I have learned to stand up on my hind feet and sound a warning to the parents when I see a stranger!  I also stand up and warn them when I see a motorcycle or a vehicle pass by the gate.  I am in training to be a watchdog!  I hear there is pretty good money in being a watch dog and I have never heard of a watch dog being taken to a “monkey sanctuary” or to the zoo so I will become a watch dog instead!  We need a “Beware of Monkey” sign instead of “Beware of Dog” 

Mom has been busy freezing all sorts of fruits.  She is preparing them so I will have good stuff to eat while they are gone.  They know that the workers will not feed me if things are not already prepared!  Today she froze bananas; she dipped them in lemon juice before she froze them and she did not even take the peel off.  She said that the peel is full of vitamins and good for me.  What!  If they are so good for you why does she peel them before she makes banana pudding or feeds them to Dad?  Don’t worry about me!  When I get ready to eat them I will peel them myself!  She also froze yellow melon (sort of like a small honeydew melon) and Papaya; yes she left those skins on too.  Yum!

“Beware of Monkey”

Love Skeeter   
