Timothy Niligrini came over this afternoon so we could edit the class material that he is translating into the Konkomba language.  We were not editing for content, we were editing for punctuation and the numbers on the outlines.  He has a difficult time getting the numbers and bullets in the right place.  He also wanted us to take a look at his computer; there is an error message that comes up which deals with a hard drive error.  Steve told him that he had no idea what to do about the message but that the computer might need a new hard drive.  We doubt that there is anyone in Yendi that can fix that problem.  He will probably have to go to Tamale.  Sometimes it is cheaper to get a new computer than work on it.

While he was here he picked up the mangoes that were on the ground and we gave him all the ones we had picked up this morning.  He also picked up the gift of rice and oil we gave all the workers.  He was particularly happy with the oil.  He said that they would enjoy the oil and rice tonight for supper.  

Little monkey man is trying to help me with the Yendi notes so if something is a little off or there are extra characters you will know why.  We haven’t decided what we are going to call him yet; he sits on Steve’s feet and plays with his shoe strings and when we bought him he had a shoe string around his waist as a leash.  We might name him something like “Sneakers” or “Shoe String” but “monkey man” might stick.  He slept all night; he was full and exhausted.  He woke up about 5:30and ate heartily!  He had a rough afternoon.  We took him to the vet to get a rabies shot and be de-wormed.  At first the vet said he was too small to have any vaccinations but then he said he could give him a small dose and a booster in 6 months.  The vet was surprised that he was wearing a diaper and how small he was.  The vet’s assistant that gave him the shot ran the needle right through his skin and out on the other side.  Please!  Give me strength; Steve could have done a better job!

Steve had his continuing education class for his nursing license this morning at Yendi hospital.  After he finished with the class he went to the bank and successfully paid the taxes.  He said that there was no one in line when he got there.  

Tichak, one of the night watchmen, called this morning to let Steve know that the electricity was off at the Child Center.  So Steve took the pre-paid card to the electric company and had them rework it.  This happens from time to time and no one knows the reason.  The lights are working again.  While we were in town we bought some disposable diapers for the monkey.  We bought the smallest size but we still had to cut them in half but it is much nicer having the monkey in a diaper than worrying about being urinated on or worse!  Ha!

Thank you for the love, prayers and support.

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie
