Today we visited the congregation at Duuni south of Yendi. I was afraid we were going to have competition with the rain just before we left Yendi but I was glad to be proven wrong.
We arrived at the church building around 9:30. Brother Francis along with several of the brothers met us. The brethren had decided beforehand that I would teach the bible class and preach the sermon. I had been asked to teach a lesson that had been taught at the monthly class on the subject of the women’s responsibility to their children. They had allotted me 45 minutes for the class time. When time expired there were still 3 or 4 people wanting to ask questions so I was told to continue. Twenty minutes later we closed the class.
During the course of questions during the class several men remarked that the women do not take the advice the husbands and men of the Church give to them. The men talk down to the women rather than talking to them as equals. Of course this comes from hundreds of years of thinking of women as chattel which can be traced to the problem of polygamy. I encouraged both men and women to sit down and discuss their problems and to be of one mind when setting up rules for the household. That idea will take a long time to digest and put into practice. The majority of men here ,in my opinion, would find Ephesians 5:25 difficult to practice. This was when Paul said to love your wife enough to die for her like Christ did for the church.
The brethren at Duuni have put up the doors and bars on the windows of the church building. They plan to plaster the outside of the structure during the dry season. We provided some matching funds which they said should be enough for them to finish the outside plastering.
It is customary for the congregation to ask for prayer requests at the end of services. Two people who came to Bro. Francis asking me to pray on their behalf due to illnesses.
To show the Church’s gratitude for coming we were presented with a mound of yams and a nice heavy rooster. When Timothy was leaving our compound his motorcycle was loaded down with yams! He was a happy camper!
Just before we were to leave for bible study tonight we got a phone call from our grandson, Parker, who said he had just been baptized!! That was wonderful news!
Hope you had a good day. Please keep us in your prayers. May God bless!
In His service,
Stephen and Kandie Taylor