Today is our 47th anniversary!  Steve is taking me out for a special dinner and a movie afterwards.  NOT!  Steve is outside right now trimming up the big mango tree.  This year the branches were so long and droopy when they were full of fruit that they hit the tops of the vehicles when we drove under the tree.  It will even be worse next year if he does not prune it back.  It was hot again today; the high temperature was 107 degrees with a heat index of 113 degrees. 

The carpenter alerted us this morning to the fact that he had underestimated the number of boards he needed to roof the building at Kulkpeni.  Steve had to rush to the lumber yard and get the boards cut to size then he had to come back to the mission house and spray them with Dursban to protect them from the termites.  Timothy Niligrini called this evening and said that the carpenter was not able to finish the roof today.  He told us that he could do the whole roof in one day; we laughed!  This is not our first building project and we knew there was no way he could finish it in one day.  Tomorrow will be day three!  The carpenter even has Timothy and Tichak helping put the felt on the roofing nails.

Adamu ran out of powder milk today so this afternoon we hunted all over Yendi for the full cream powder milk but all we could find was the skimmed milk powder.  That is not the best milk for her but the nurse at the hospital said that it would be ok.  Steve even checked with the Nestle distributor that was making his rounds in Yendi today and he did not have any extra on his truck.  We have a couple cans of the whole milk here at the mission house but it is a different brand and we are afraid it will be rejected.  

Adamu was sleeping when we stopped to see her today.  We took her a plastic baby toy because she has nothing to look at while she sits at the hospital.  She has gained enough strength to play with her dress so maybe she will play with a toy.  We requested that she be tested for HIV and the test came back non-reactive which is wonderful.  We are still waiting for the diabetes test.  They found out that she has malaria so they are treating her for malaria as well as giving her IV antibiotics.  The family was asked to buy some medicine today but no one knows what yet.  When we went this afternoon Zorash did not go with us so we did not have an interpreter when we talked to Adamu’s great aunt.  Steve left the money for the medicine and the powdered milk with her.

It is the end of the month so we started sorting receipts.  Fun stuff!  It is amazing how quickly these odious jobs come around isn’t it?

Thank you for all you do for us and the people in Ghana!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie

Skeeter’s Monkey Business

I got in serious trouble today!  Dad came in and found me with my hands in his glass of ice tea!  It was not a good day for me!  I cried and cried!  It took me a while but I got back in Dad’s lap.  

Today I found one of the little packets of Krystal Light lemonade mix.  I have sharp teeth and I bit holes in the package.  It took me a minute to get a mouth full of that nasty stuff and then I threw the package down.  I will revisit it after that taste leaves my mouth.

We went for a ride in the truck today.  I love to watch the people fly past the windows.  I found the perfect vantage point for watching the world go by.  I climbed up on Dad’s back; stood with my hind legs on his shoulders and draped myself over his hat.  I could see out the front window and out the side window.  When we stopped the kids crowded around the vehicle to look at me; you would have thought they had never seen a monkey wearing a diaper and  clothes!

Try to stay out of trouble!

Love Skeeter
