Elliot, our taxi driver failed us this morning. He was supposed to be here this morning at 8:30. The program was to start at 9:00. At 8:50 he still had not arrived so we walked down the lane to meet him on the street. Steve called him and he said that he was on his way. We decided that if he had not arrived by the time the next free taxi passed we were going to get the taxi; I hate to be late! A few minutes later we hailed a taxi and Steve called Elliot and told him we did not need him because we had gotten another taxi. We were a few minutes late for the seminar but I don’t think that we missed anything important.
The seminar seems to be going well; the attendance is down because this is the first seminar they have had since Covid shut everything down. They have registered 134 people. The seminar is difficult to listen to because the main language is in Twi; instead of having a designated interpreter the speaker tries to switch from Twi to English and then back again.
Today for lunch I had fried rice with fried fish and a boiled egg; Steve had the “Red Red” which is fried plantain and cow peas cooked with the red palm oil. Tonight we had fried rice with chicken and fish.
Everyone was worn out when the seminar closed this evening because we are sitting on benches that have no backs. Steve and I sat on the back wall so we could at least lean on the wall. The sponsors of the seminar are serious about the speakers keeping to the schedule. They have a huge bell that is made out of something off a cargo truck. The clapper is made out of a large bolt. The bell makes such an awful sound! They do not hesitate to use it to let the speakers know when their time is up. It is so abrasive that those who are dozing quickly wake up when the bell is rung. I would love to have the bell but I think that it belongs to the school where the seminar is being held.
Thank you for all you do!
In His Service,
Steve and Kandie
P.S. We learned that Jimmy Stroud passed away. Jimmy will be greatly missed. He was a great lover and supporter of the work in Ghana. He became active in the work when my parents Royce and Cindy were doing the work years ago. Please pray for his family in the difficult days ahead.