It was quiet in the compound for much of the day. Donkey, Skeeter and I were the only ones here for most of the morning. Steve went to Kulkpeni to teach the monthly Church leader / evangelists’ class.

Around 12:00 Nana Bekum, one of the evangelists, showed up at the gate of the mission house. I was surprised to see him considering he should have been at the classes hours before. He said that the public transportation bus he was on broke down. When he got to the mission house it was drizzling; he usually takes a “yellow-yellow”, a three wheeled motor vehicle that they use as a taxi. Since it was raining I took pity on him and drove him out to the class. Before we left the mission house I called Timothy to make sure that there was something for him to eat for lunch. I was afraid that the other men might have already eaten; if that was the case I would have taken him to town and bought him his lunch. Timothy assured me that there was plenty for him too.

Getting the truck out of the garage was another thing completely. The section of the garage where the red truck lives was not only locked with a couple padlocks but it also has a metal bar running vertically across the double doors to keep them well closed. There are 3 sets of double doors on the garage and a metal bar for each one. Each bar is a different size and fits a certain door. Some numbskull used the wrong bar. To get the bar on they had to beat it into place which meant that I could not get the bar off. I had to go in the house and get a crowbar to attack the door with. It took all my might to get the bar off. Nana was of no use. After I got the truck out of the garage it only took about 15 minutes to get to Kulkpeni. Steve said that 28 men attended the class today.

When we got back this month we noticed that the door to the storeroom was all sorts of messed up. It looked like someone had tried to break in. Steve asked Mr. Iddrisu what happened to the door that only he has a key to. He said that he had gone somewhere and Tichak the night watchman needed his pay. The pay is locked in the storeroom in the employees’ lockers. Mr. Iddrisu had his son give the key to Tichak so he could open the door and get his pay. Tichak did not know that the door opened inside the room. He is a strong guy and he pulled the door to the outside. He said he was able to get the door open wide enough to squeeze his body in and get his pay. The problem came when he tried to close the door. The door is a metal door and he had sprung the hinges and the door would not close. He had to call Red to come work on the door. They finally got the door to close but they had bent the door frame so badly that Red had to put cement nails in it to hold it shut. The door is now very ugly but at least it can be locked!

Enjoy your weekend!

In HIS Service,

Steve, Kandie and Skeeter

The Monkeyshines

I have been helping Dad count money! When he walked away from the stack he was counting I jumped up on the desk and grabbed a handful. I ran with the money in my mouth and climbed to the top of the bookcase. I am a quick one but Mom is quicker! She was up like a flash and after me! She was scolding me as she moved! I dropped the money and ran for cover; I knew I was in trouble! I darted behind the bed and hid there for a few minutes until I felt that it was safe to come out.

Mom messed with my bottle again last night. This time she said she did not have any powder milk so she mixed my cereal with coffee creamer! Yuck! I did not drink it! I filled up on fruit before I went to bed! This morning she fixed me a proper bottle which I enjoyed!

It sprinkled most of the morning. This afternoon after the rain stopped when we went out to play Mom did as she usually does and sat under the big mango tree. I figured out that I could make it rain by jumping on the tree branches. I laughed when Mom had to move her chair because she was getting wet!

I am the rainmaker!

Love, Skeeter
