Well folks, we had a brutally chilling day.  The high temperature was 114o F and a cool 126F heat index.  I was glad when we arrived at the village of Frigmado and the congregation was worshipping outside under the trees. A nice warm wind was blowing that made the time during worship tolerable. It was hot but it wasn’t that bad while we were in the shade of the trees.  We do get a kick out bragging about the temperature to you all. 

There were 103 people including children that worshipped with us today.  I spoke about the crucifixion and how the New Testament Church celebrates the Lord’s death every first day of the week when we take the Lord’s Supper. Whenever I teach this kind of lesson I am amazed how God through Christ created all things and He allowed His creation to kill his Son.  Only a true loving God would/could do that. 

After services a family had a one month old baby boy they wanted to have a naming ceremony for. Timothy and I were invited to do the honors. I love doing these naming ceremonies. I like being able to hold the babies. This little guy didn’t make a peep while I held him. The family asked me to name the child so I decided on the name Samuel. His Konkomba name “Jotal” which means evening rain. I like that! 

From the church grounds we went to a teenage boy’s house for a prayer. His right leg is swollen and has an area on his lower thigh that is weeping. I fear it is Osteomyelitis.  The family was referred to Tamale hospital but they didn’t go because of finances. We provided transport money for them to go to Tamale. I hope they will go. 

From the teenagers house we went over to the chief’s house. There we found two of chief’s boys working on some apron type skirts that are worn during the Konkombas funeral dance. They were very bright colors; white and blue.  As soon as I saw it I knew Kandie would want one. Luckily, they were willing to sell an extra one they had on hand.  Then we ask if they knew anyone who might have a stone grinder with its stone bowl they might be willing to sell. They had one so Kandie was a happy camper today!

We were made aware that two teenage boys wished to be baptized. There is a dried up river that has pockets of water deep enough to baptize outside the village. It was great to have two more souls added to the Lord’s Church. 

When we arrived back at the house we loaded Timothy down with a box of mangoes to take to his house. Oh, how happy he was to get the mangoes!  This afternoon Kandie and I again went back to the two mango trees on the back of the property and picked up 432 mangoes.  We have picked up that many fruit each day which doesn’t include what the night watchmen are picking up each morning. Again this afternoon, we went through Yendi and passed out mangoes. They love it!

That rounds out our day. Hope you had a great holiday weekend with your family and friends. May God bless!

In His service,

Stephen and Kandie Taylor
