The area where we stay here in Accra is near a small vegetable market.  We decided to walk down, and I mean downhill, to the market to see what they were selling. The street was busy with people and parents with their school children walking or waiting on a tro-tro (bus)to pick them up to take them to school. At the market the ladies were getting all of their vegetables out for display. Many vendors had not arrived.  Both sides of the street are congested and can be best described as what we used to call as kids as a “Chinese fire drill” because there is no organized way of doing anything.  The people are always kind when you greet them.  I think they are surprised that we do greet them because many outsiders do not greet them. 

While at the market Kandie bought a grinding bowl and pestle. She wanted to try it out so we bought the stuff to make Shito (Ghanaian hot sauce); tomatoes, onion, hot peppers, and salt. Once we decided to make Shito we had to have something to eat it on so we bought fresh eggs. When we got back to the room we boiled the eggs in the hotpot that boils water to make tea. We had a lovely breakfast!

Shortly after 9am we caught a taxi and went to the currency forex to change some money.  From there we went to the Osu section of town to go to the jewelry store to have Kandie’s earrings repaired. We were not lucky because the gold smith wasn’t around and wouldn’t come to work in time for our departure tomorrow evening. Osu is a tourist trap.  As you walk down the street you have everyone and their dog tugging on your arm and calling for you to come to their shop trying to sell you overpriced items.  After 23 years here in Ghana I still don’t like that kind of attention!

Around noon, we went to an Indian restaurant and got a take away lunch and brought it back to the room to eat. The latter part of the afternoon was spent taking a nap. 

We are still trying to get the arrangements made to send money for a couple of new tires for the van. Our friend Gomda is working on it for us. 

That’s it for today. Please keep us in your prayers!

In His service,

Stephen and Kandie Taylor

P.S. Gomda just called and arrangements have been finalized for the 2 new van tires. 
