We were startled out of our sleep this morning at 5:30!  Mr. Iddrisu called to tell us that his back was hurting him and he would not be able to come to work.  This threw a wrench in the plans for the day.  Steve and I were going to Tamale.  Steve told him to call Dawda the mason and tell him that they should cancel work for the day because no one would be here to drive the motor king to haul the blocks and sand.  Dawda said that he was going to come to work anyway; he said that he would fill the floors in the first bath house with gravel. The masons had gone home by the time we got back from Tamale.  Hopefully Mr. Iddrisu will be back at work tomorrow. If not we will have to hire someone to drive the motor king.  Even if he comes back we will probably have to hire someone to load the block or he won’t be fit to drive the next day.  He has a bad back. 

The main reason we went to Tamale was to see if the tailor had brought the sewing machine to his shop.  He promised that he would bring the machine to his shop months ago.  The machine is an old one that I am interested in buying but I can’t buy it if I don’t see it.  This is the third time I have stopped to see if he has the machine.  Actually I was beginning to think that he had already sold the machine but he assured me he had not sold it.  When we got to his shop this morning I spied the machine lying on the floor; I was excited until I saw that part of the machine was not there.  We had to wait for him to get to the shop.  He showed me the machine and I pointed out that one of the springs was not there and neither was the tension mechanism.  He laughed and said to Steve, “Madam knows the machine.”  Well, Madam does not know all but she knows when a machine is not complete!  We settled on a price which included servicing and replacing all the missing parts.  He said that he had the parts at his house.  I would have given him half of the money but he said he wanted to wait until the machine was working and I was happy with it.  We are to go back on Saturday to hopefully pick up the machine.  He said he bought the machine new; I asked if he had the manual.  He said that he had it but did not know where it was because they don’t consider the manual as important.  He said he had the box it came in but did not know where that was either.  Maybe he will find them when he looks for the parts that are missing.

While we were in Tamale we went to the Social Welfare office and picked up the form for the annual report that we have to make in order to keep the license for the Child Center.  We also went to the bank to change 100 Cedi notes into smaller bills.  Steve made a quick stop into the office supply store to buy a case of copy paper.  The stop should have been quick but when Steve asked for a receipt things got difficult.  If Steve gets a receipt the cost of the paper will increase to cover the tax but if Steve gets no receipt the cost is less.  Steve said he needed a receipt and did not care if he had to pay the taxes.  They could not find the receipt book to pay the tax so Steve got no receipt; we will have to pay withholding tax ourselves when the total for this company goes over 2,000 Cedis.  Please, so much paperwork to buy a case of copy paper!

Thank you for all you do for us and for the work!

In HIS Service,

Steve, Kandie and Skeeter

The Monkeyshines

Mom has made a new treat for me; Monkey Balls.  They are a frozen treat.  They are made out of peanut butter, powdered milk and dry baby cereal.  She rolls them in tiny balls before she freezes them.  They are delicious.  She said that she found a similar recipe online.  I don’t like the name!  She is trying to think of something else to call them!  How about Monkey Treats, Peanut Butter Balls, or Protein Snacks!  I would share the real recipe with you but the name has to be changed first!

Mom changed my formula again; this time she said that it was a mistake but I think not!  She made my bottle; I was hungry, especially since they had been gone all day.  I was sitting in Dad’s lap when the bottle arrived.  I took a big swig of the bottle and then refused to eat any more.  Dad said, “I guess he is not hungry!”  I gave Mom the stink eye because she knew there was a problem with the formula.  Finally Mom confessed, she said that she had run out of peanut oil and that she put the oil in it that she had fried hot peppers in!  Imagine!  Your nice sweet milky formula tainted with hot pepper oil!  I was very disappointed with Mom!  When she realized I was not going to drink the concoction she went back to the kitchen; cleaned the bottle and made me a fresh bottle minus the oil.  It was delicious and I drank almost the whole thing.

Close the Kitchen if Mom is cooking!Love, Skeeter
