The high temperature today was 112 degrees with a heat index of 125 degrees.  We did the laundry today and it did not take very long for it to dry.  All the workers are still on holiday; they are taking their annual leave; we sure do miss the extra help.  Steve took the blower down to the Child Center this afternoon and cleaned it.  Even though it is not open he still wanted it to look good.  There is a huge open area where the mothers sit and it was covered with leaves and dust.  We have also had to rake and burn the leaves.  The mango trees are evergreen which also means they are always losing leaves.  I miss having Amama help with the ironing and house work!  

Dawda, the mason came by this morning.  He needed an advance of the work we will start after they stop fasting.  We are going to build some bath houses, toilets and water tank platforms on the back side of the property near the training center.  We cannot invite people to come until we take care of the water and toilet facilities.  Dawda is also going to help us build the sleeping quarters at Kulkpeni but the church members have not molded the blocks yet.  We are not sure what they are waiting for but if they don’t hurry up and get the blocks molded the rains will come and then everyone will want to start farming.  Dawda said that if a block maker is the holdup he knows a man that will mold them for the church.  

We picked up mangoes again this afternoon and took them to several people in Yendi.  The lepers were proud of the ones we gave them.  Today we took some to the lady who makes all the bread for the seminar.  Her husband is a tailor; he makes custom clothing (mostly for men) and he also has a small shop that sells sewing notions.  He has not been in the best of health.  He was sitting outside his wife’s bread shop when we dropped off the mangoes.  They were very excited to get the mangoes.

Steve finished the monthly  Yendi Notes so now it is over to me to get them edited.  I plan on editing them when I finish writing.  

Zorash called about a lady that we suspect has breast cancer.  She has no health insurance.  Steve told her that we would pay for the health insurance if she would go to the hospital for a checkup.   He also told her that we would pay for her transport to go to Tamale.  Her best chance of finding a mammogram machine is in Tamale.  We are not sure they have one and she might have to go to Kumasi but she will still have to have a referral letter.  Zorash thinks the lady is in her 40’s.  She has some children but her husband is not around.

I made some clothes for the monkey but he hates them. Ha!

Thank you for all you do for us and the work.

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie
