Divine was the first person to visit this morning.  He always comes early.  Saturday, the auditor called and said that 2 of the churches’ paperwork had problems.  We needed to resubmit their paperwork.  This was something that we had filed in 2022.  Evidently theirs never got filed.  Fortunately we had copies of the paper work and we had copies of part of the Ghana Cards.  When we did the original filing one of the men did not have a Ghana Card.  Now he has one and he was able to send it to us through WhatsApp.  We were very happy not to have to physically find him to get the information we needed.  Divine took the paperwork to Tamale.  Steve called him a few minutes ago and he had arrived safely back in Yendi.  Maybe this will be the last of the paper work until next year!  

Tichak and Kwabena also came to the mission house.  They are the night watch men that attend church at Kulkpeni.  They said that the Eastern Corridor had approached the church to see if some of their men could stay on the church property.  The Eastern Corridor is the company that is making the new road from Yendi to Tamale and that is passing from the top of Ghana down through Yendi and on to Accra.  They have been working in this area for several years.  We advised the church that they need to make a small contract to protect the church.  They asked us if we would type up something for them to sign.  This will not only be helpful for the church in this incident but it is a document they can use for other events.  

The mason’s started plastering the inside of the rooms today; they are looking very nice.  Dawda needed us to rent some metal scaffolding so they could reach the peaks of the building.  We sent Mr. Iddrisu and Donkey with the motor king to pick up the scaffolding and to buy 5 additional bags of cement to take to Kulkpeni.  Mr. Iddrisu and Donkey needed to borrow the motor king to go to Sambu to get their cassava sticks.  Kulkpeni is on the way to Sambu.  After they dropped off the stuff for the mason they went on to Sambu.  They did not get back until around 2:00.

Steve stopped at the hospital this morning to check on Adamu and to give her aunt her food money for this week.  Later this afternoon we went back to the hospital because the nutritional officer had some additional medicine they wanted to give her.  This medicine is supposed to increase her appetite.  Adamu does not have a problem with her appetite, she has a problem with someone to feed her!  Zorash went with us; while we were out we stopped and picked up a couple pieces of fabric that I needed for the quilt I am working on.  

Brother Francis and another man from the village of Duni came by today too.   They brought the mother of a set of twins with them.  The mother said that she did not have enough breast milk for both babies.  Steve said the babies looked fine and he did not do anything for them except give the mother multi-vitamin tablets, encouragement and advice.

Thank you for your prayers, love and support.

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie

Skeeter’s Monkey Business

Mom loves to sew and I love to help her.  I love the straight pins because of the pretty heads.  When I get one, the parents have to chase me around the room until they catch me and can remove it from my mouth.  Mom got tired of chasing me so today she put the pins in a plastic container with a tight fitting top.  I wonder how long it will take me to figure out how to take the top off that container.  I have been working on it!  Mom likes to name her quilts; she said that she is going to call this one, “Monkey Business!”  I know that is because my help has been invaluable and she wants to give credit where credit is due!

I decided that I like grape juice; of course I have to have it put in a baby bottle.  Dad says that it makes me wild; I think it is not the grape juice that is making me wild but the “high fructose corn syrup”.  I heard that “high fructose corn syrup” is not good for man nor beast!  But I like it; it is a refreshing drink!  Mom tried to give me some of Dad’s Sprite but that went straight up my nose!  I did not like that at all!

When I found out that they were going for a ride in the van this afternoon I wanted to go too.  I hate to be left alone!  Going was a big mistake!  The women at the jobsite would not leave me alone.  They kept trying to hold me so I holler at them and made ugly faces.  I climbed on top of Dad’s head and hung on for dear life!  At one point I was so upset that I nipped Dad’s neck!  I did not mean to hurt him but I was so afraid and I was trying to get away from those strangers!  Mom says, “never talk to strangers!”  I was happy to get home!

Happy sewing!

Love Skeeter
