We got a call this morning from our children to let us know that we had a new president!  We are sort of out of the loop over here unless someone lets us know what is going on.  Of course the 6 hour time difference does not help.  

Steve had continuing education class this morning; fortunately we were not too busy at the Child Center.  Meri was still annoyed that she took her little boy Hakim to the mother baby clinic yesterday to get his 2 year old shots and they had no vaccines to give the children.  Meri said that many mothers had wasted their time taking their children there only to have to go and come.  I guess the mothers just keep checking back each week to see if any is available.

This afternoon we went to town and picked up Mr. Adams, the electrician / fix-it man.  We are trying to find a vice to buy; we have a lead on one but we have no idea if it will materialize or not.  Today the guy said he talked to someone who can get one for us but he has no idea when or how much it will cost.  

Divine just left the mission house.  We have been expecting him all day; we bought 200 pounds of shelled corn from his wife and he was delivering it to the mission house.  Part of the corn is for the seminar and the other is to make weaning mix for the Child Center.  He did not get here until almost 3:30.  He had loaded his motor king with people; they were going on a political expedition to visit one of the contestants.  The contestant is the Ashanti Hene’s uncle.  The Ashanti Hene is the most important king in Ghana; he rules the land in the Central part of Ghana around Kumasi.  Of course when all the men descended upon us we had to give them cold water to drink and visit with them a little bit.  Divine said that he was the chairman for the party in his area so naturally he had to accompany the men on the visit.  

Steve has started printing the program for the seminar.  The printer is working much better but it still jams every once in a while which is annoying but it is nothing like it was before the repair man worked on it.  The small HP printer that we use with the computer is still not working.  We will have to take it back to the guy; it  prints color but not the black; we tried 2 new cartridges and still it won’t print.  I wouldn’t really care except we have a ton of ink for that printer.

Take care and enjoy your day! 

In HIS Service,

Steve, Kandie and Skeeter

The Monkeyshines

While the parents were on their trip they bought some passion fruit.  Mom cut one open today and offered me a bite!  That was too weird!  It is all seeds and only a little juice; the juice is so sour that it sets my teeth on edge!  Mom was just smacking away, chewing up all those little seeds!  I don’t think it is good for her to be eating all those seeds; what if one decides to take root and grow?  I know that the next time she opens one she is going to offer it to me and I will give it a little taste just to make her happy but there is no way I could make a meal off that fruit!  Now bananas on the other hand, are a fruit that you can eat and feel full after you eat them!  I love bananas, especially the ones that are nice and soft and almost over ripe!  

As soon as I came into the house this morning I had to have a bath.  Mom said she is almost out of Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo and she needs to put it on the list of things to bring back to Ghana on her next trip.  I sure hope that if she runs out of shampoo that means I will not have to take any more baths!  I still hate my bath as bad as I ever have!  The best part of taking a bath is getting out and being wrapped up in a towel and dried off!  I enjoy that attention!

Anyone want to take some passion fruit off my hands?

Love, Skeeter
