Adamu, the severely malnourished little girl was discharged from the hospital this afternoon. Of course no one will tell the mother what was wrong with the child but at least she is better. Zorash came by and picked up the money for her treatment and medicine. Zorash is not afraid to ask questions; we hope that when she gets to the hospital she can find out what they think was wrong with her. Adamu’s mother sells stuff at the market so Adamu spends her days in the market sitting on the ground. That place is so nasty; there is no telling what she could pick up.

Nana Bekum, one of the evangelists, called this morning to let us know one of the church leaders from the church at Tumpondi died September 1st. Steve asked about the funeral arrangements and Nana said the road to the place is terrible. To get there we would have to travel on the same road that we drove on to the burial at Mulpido last Sunday! I understand the road gets worse the further you go. Steve told Nana that we would send money to help support the funeral.

The masons have almost finished laying the block on the third bath house. Red has enough blocks molded to finish the third bath house and do the foundation on the fourth one. Dawda said that they could start plastering when they run out of blocks.

I spent most of the day working on the books and entering receipts. I can see the end; I hope to be able to finish them tonight after supper. I thought I had a brilliant idea! A couple days ago I tried to work on the books but Skeeter was into everything so today I decided to work outside on the veranda so that way Skeeter could run around outside, get some sunshine and exercise. It worked well and I got much more work done. I could leave him in his cage while I work but that seems like cruel and unusual punishment!

While I worked on the books Steve worked outside; he leveled the front yard around the patio and moved the excess dirt to the driveway. He built up the area under the gate that has been washed away by the rain. He then washed the red truck. Last time we took it to Tamale we drove through rain and lots of road construction; the truck looked like it was brown instead of red! It looks nice now but it won’t stay clean on these roads.

Mr. Iddrisu was at work again today; his back seems to like not having to do any lifting and just driving the motor king around. Nazo is the one we worry about now. We gave him Ibuprofen and Naproxen Sodium so he should be good to go.

Thank you for the love, prayers and support.

In HIS Service,

Steve, Kandie and Skeeter

The Monkeyshines

I felt like I had been turned back into the wild today! I spent 4 or 5 hours outside! It was glorious! I ran and jumped and romped and climbed and played until I was exhausted! Mom put me out a plate of fresh fruit so that when I felt munchy I could dart over, grab a bite to eat and carry it up into the tree to sit and enjoy it! I have not had to have a diaper on today because I was not in the house! Oh! Happy Day! I could get used to this freedom. Just before lunch time Mom made me a bottle. The bottle about did me in! I got so sleepy that I almost took a nap. I even went so far as to climb down inside Mom’s shirt to go to sleep but when I poked my head out I remembered we were still outside and suddenly I was wide awake!

I tried to help Dad wash the truck but I am not a fan of water; not after all the bathes I have to take. Dad was getting the water to wash the truck out of a big hole in the ground (the cistern); he warned me not to fall in the water. Like that was going to happen when I hate water! He worries about the craziest things!

Even though I was free to run and play, that did not mean that I forgot about Mom and the rattling of paper and all the stuff she had spread out over the table she was working with. At times it was just too tempting! Imagine, a stapler, calculator, 2 pens and a pencil, a computer, computer mouse, cords of all descriptions, a can of bug spray, post-it-notes and 2 file folders; it was just too much to resist! Every once in a while I would sneak over and grab something off the table. Mom would jump up and chase after me! It was good for her to get up every so often; did you know that if you sit too long you will get blood clots in your legs? I am trying to keep her healthy!

I suffered no ill effects of the Benadryl that I accidently got hold of. Dad said it is really not Benadryl but similar to it. I found a blister pack and before the parents saw me I had crushed a couple of the tablets and opened a couple others. They were worried about me so Dad Googled it and found out that it could be given to animals. How dare they call me an animal! I slept good!

Free at Last!

Love, Skeeter
