Mr. Iddrisu was late for work this morning so he had to stay to make up his time but I don’t think that he minded because he was the only one in the compound and he was busy picking up the mangoes as they fell.  He asked if he could borrow one of the cardboard boxes that we had thrown out on the veranda.  We didn’t need the boxes; he must have collected a lot of mangos if he needed a box to put them in.  

Meri helped me clean the store room in preparation for the new shelving unit that should be finished in the next couple days.  We not only got the floor swept but we also got it wet mopped.  Oh! What a difference it made; of course it will not stay that way for long because of all the Harmattan dust that is coming down from the Sahara desert.  The dust is terrible but without the dust we would burn up.  The dust filters out the sun’s scorching rays!  

We did not have many mothers at the Child Center this morning, probably because they were not sure if we would be open since yesterday was a holiday.  Steve decided that in the lull he would take the things to the hospital that we brought in for them.  Last time we were here they requested more mosquito nets for the neonate unit to cover the bassinets.  It is strange the things that a hospital in a third world country needs.  We have never actually found mosquito nets for bassinets but they make them for baby strollers.  They do nicely for the bassinets.  We also took them a CPR infant dummy so they can use it to teach the nurses and staff how to do CPR on an infant.  They always appreciate whatever Steve takes them.

We have not heard anything from the baby that has the cancerous tumor on his face.  The doctor assured Steve that as soon as they received the money they would start the chemo.  Hopefully the baby will not be too weak to take the treatments.

While Steve was in town delivering the medical supplies he went by the shop that is near the hospital.  He bought “Sour Patch Kids” candy.  Yes, you heard me right, “Sour Patch Kids” candy.  We tried them and they were delicious so this afternoon while we were out we went back and bought the rest.  We have no idea where they came from or how they found their way to Yendi but we were very excited!  They only had 4 more packages but that is how it is in Ghana. If you see something you had better buy it because you may never see it again!

Thank you for all you do for us and the work.  Please continue to pray for us!  If you know of anyone that would like the daily Yendi Notes please send in their email addresses.

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie  
