We just got back from Kulkpeni.  The sign painter got the signboard finished so we took it out this afternoon and got it set in cement.  We hope that the children don’t decide to swing on it before the cement dries.  While we were at Kulkpeni we went to visit the chief and inform him that the seminar would be coming off in 2 weeks.  The seminar will be here before we know it!  The chief was not around so we met one of the elders who led us to an extremely old man that acts for the chief in his absence.  The old guy was not feeling very good.  Both of his feet were swollen; the left one was so bad that the skin broke open and made tropical ulcers.  He said that he has high blood pressure; we suspect he has congestive heart failure.  He was not interested in going to the hospital.   He said that he has no appetite and that when he tries to eat he feels full.  Steve encouraged him to eat multiple small meals each day and to drink Malta if he could not eat.  He said that Malta was very expensive so we told him to drink the fresh pito; it is made from sorghum and is very nutritious.  After it has been prepared for a while it becomes alcoholic; it is a favorite drink at funerals.  The non-alcoholic one is a good beverage for invalids and small children.  Steve also gave him money to buy a blood tonic to help him regain his strength.  Like my grandfather used to say, “It doesn’t pay to get old!”

Steve made a copy of the lessons that will be taught at the seminar.  He gave a copy to Timothy; Timothy will select the lessons he wants to teach and Steve will teach the rest.  We do not have a guest speaker this year so Timothy and Steve will do all the teaching.  Steve asked Divine if he would be willing to teach a lesson but he said that he did not know what he would be doing the week of the seminar because he is involved with the upcoming election.

Donkey went back to the electric company this morning to see if he could get his electricity restored.  He had all the forms filled out which included his passport photo.  We made copies of all of his documents just in case something went wrong and they lost them.  He did not come back to the compound this afternoon so we don’t know if he got power or not.  Donkey actually found the first paper work that he was given when he got the original meter that had been assigned to someone else.  We made copies of that too; we told him that the electric company would want the originals for their files especially if they were going to go after the guy that illegally connected his meter.  It would be better for him to have copies.

Thank you for the love, prayers and support.

In HIS Service,

Steve, Kandie and Skeeter

The Monkeyshines

I got tangled up in the top of the cashew tree this morning.   Somehow my leash came loose from the rebar that I was attached to.  I was able to get almost to the top of the tree.  Fortunately the tree was not too tall or I would still be stuck up there.  Mom tried to get me down but she could not reach me; she had to go get Dad and he had to get the ladder so he could get close enough to me to unclasp my leash from the collar that I wear around my waist.  I had been dangling there for a while; well, that is my story anyway!  I had not actually been dangling but I was stuck!  My feet were still on a branch and until I was rescued I busied myself with stripping all the leaves off the branch I was sitting on.  I actually enjoyed being up high so I could see what was going on around me!  

Amama is sort of afraid of me!  She was at the Child Center ironing fabric for Mom; her chair was too close to me so I jumped up on her chair; she froze and had a look of horror on her face!  Now what in the world did she think a little monkey like me was going to do to her?  Amama is a big strapping woman; I think she could hold her own against me!  Amama was wearing a beautiful red and white head scarf that had tassels all over it.  I could not help myself as soon as I got on the back of her chair I went for her headdress!  I would have had it off her head if Mom was not so fast!  She had me yanked off the back of that chair so fast that it made my head spin.  She then shortened my leash and all the fun was over!  Mom is a spoil-sport!

I love fabric!

Love, Skeeter
