We spent the day in Tamale. We needed tires for the red truck but the guy we buy tires from was not open today. We found out that he is a Seventh Day Adventist and that he does not open his shop on Saturdays. Steve got his number so he will be able to call him and see if he has the right size tires for the truck; if he does he could send them to Yendi on the market truck. That would sure beat making a trip to Tamale.

We wanted to buy English Bibles but the Bible House was not open even though it was supposed to be open. The guys in the shop next to the Bible House said they did not know why they were not open today.

We had to stop at several pharmacies before we found calcium tablets. We forgot to buy them in the states to bring over this time. We were not sure that we would even be able to find them so we were pleasantly surprised. They are chewable and not as strong as the ones we usually take but at least we found them. We bought all the pharmacist had which was only 2 bottles but we were assured that they would get more in.

The sewing machine that I wanted to buy was supposed to be ready to be picked up this morning but it was not. The tailor had found several of the missing parts and had them installed. He hooked the motor up and it ran beautifully; the stitch was a bit small but it looked nice. I was ready to load the machine up and head back to Yendi but the tailor said that he wanted to fine tweak the machine and make sure that it was working well before he released it. We told him we would be back by 2:30. He still wanted to find one of the missing bolts. He said that he had seen it earlier but did not know where he put it. We went to a small outdoor restaurant for lunch. When we went back after 3:00 he still had not found the bolt. He told us he would keep looking for it; he found one that would work in the meantime. He did not want us to pay for the machine until I had a chance to try it and make sure that I liked it. There was no way that we were going to take the machine without paying for it. After we loaded the machine he took us to a lady that sold thread for the machine; it is a chain stitch embroidery machine and uses a special thread.

Mr. Iddrisu called while we were eating lunch. He said that they had gotten a heavy rain in Yendi and that he got the motor king stuck in the mud. He said that they were able to get it unstuck but that the exhaust pipe had come loose from the motor. He called Solomon the mechanic but it was raining so he could not come straight away. He said that the masons were sitting under one of the verandas waiting for the rain to stop. We did not get back to Yendi until almost 6:00 and everyone had gone home so we don’t know if they got the motor king fixed.

Take care and have a good weekend!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie

The Monkeyshines

Could a day get more boring than the day I spent today? Not only were the parents gone all day so I had no one to play with but it rained most of the day! The only way I can describe it is to say I spent the day in solitary confinement! I only saw Donkey for a few minutes when he fed me this morning. Just before Mom left this morning she put a fresh supply of fruit in my food cup; I guess it could have been worse. I could have been on bread and water.

Yesterday when the parents went to the market they came back with guavas! I had never had a guava before; if you have not experienced guavas you don’t know what you are missing! You can smell them before you even bite into them. They smell like a sweet perfume. They are green on the outside and pink on the inside. They are either round or oval; they do not have to be peeled. I was excited this morning when I saw that Mom had included a guava with my fresh fruit! And that was the highlight of my day!

I was excited to see the red truck pull into the gate tonight! I knew they were finally home. I was starving! As soon as they got me in the house Mom fixed me a bottle. After that Dad and I shared an apple. I am rather picky and I don’t prefer to eat the skin of the apple even though Dad eats the whole thing but then Dad has no table manners!

Too wet to go out and play so I sat in that prison the whole day! I sat and I sat and I sat!

Love, Skeeter
