A new orphan came to the Child Center this morning.  She was 2 months old.  No one knows what was wrong with her but they said that her whole body was swollen.  Children in Ghana are considered to be orphans if either their father or mother has died.  We felt sorry for the baby.  

Dawda, the mason was a bit annoyed with Steve yesterday because Steve told him that the wall at the back of the property was not tall enough and he wanted him to continue with the 4 courses of cement block instead of dropping down to 3 courses.  Dawda did not like it because it was going to have a step up in the wall instead of being straight across.  Steve showed him where he wanted to make the step up and he had to pull out 4 of the “T” posts that had already been set.  When we checked on the work around lunch time they were doing it the way we wanted it done.  It looks good.  They are getting close to having ¾ of the wall done.  This is a big project that we estimate will take 9,000 cement blocks to complete.

Red’s crew came again today to finish molding the blocks that we will need for the project.  They are able to mold about 800 blocks a day.  Can you imagine and in this heat!  The high temperature today was 108 degrees.  There are only a couple of trees in the back field for shade.  

A couple of the ladies that haul cement bring their small children to work with them.  They are about 2 or 3 years old.  The kids have nothing to do.  Today we took them 2 matchbox cars apiece.  They thought they were the best thing.  One for each hand; the little boy did not want to put his down.  We made them a ramp out of a cement block so they could let the vehicles go down the ramp.  The adults were about as excited as the kids.

The rabbit stew was delicious.  Zorash helped make it.  We made enough to share with all the GNCDC workers.  The smoked rabbit cooked up nice and tender and it was not too smoky.  We would definitely eat another smoked dried rabbit.

Thank you for all you do for the work.  

In His Service,

Steve and Kandie
