We decided that we needed to go ahead and fill out the Withholding tax forms even though we do not have the Tax ID number for the man we bought cement from.  Timothy talked to him again today and he assured him that he would send the information this evening when he gets home.  With or without the information we are going to have to file the taxes tomorrow.  Since the building is not complete we can shift all of the cement to May’s taxes and claim them when the building is finished.

They almost finished plastering the outside of the building today.  It has been terribly hot today, the high temperature was 115 degrees with a heat index of 118 degrees.  The heat index was not so bad today because the humidity was only 23 %.  It sprinkle a little bit this afternoon and it is still thinking about raining.  We are praying for rain so that things will cool off.  The ladies are praying for rain so that they do not have to continue to buy and hunt for water.

This morning we got the smoked dried fish ground into a powder.  Zorash told me that we had to pound it in a mortar and pestle; excuse me!  Do you know how long that would have taken?  First I tried to grind it in the food processor (not sure of the spelling) but Zorash said it was too rough.  Next I tried the blender but it was still too rough.  Then I remembered that we had a coffee grinder.  I had to do several small batches but it worked beautifully and I can tell you that we could never had pounded, sifted and pounded again and gotten as fine a powder as the coffee grinder made.  It pays to be a little on the lazy side!  Ha!

Steve had to go to the hospital this morning for his Continuing Education class so we were short-handed in the Child Center.  Fortunately we did not have too many cases and none of them were serious.  We even had time to cut a few quilt scraps during the lulls.  

If you remember a couple weeks ago we helped an old lady in the market who said she needed surgery to fix her bladder problem.  We were afraid that she was just going around trying to raise extra money but Gomda said he thought that we should help her.  We took her phone number and the phone number of the doctor.  Last week we called the doctor to see if she had reported for surgery and she had not.  The doctor said he knew the lady and he was the one that wrote the letter for her so she could beg for money.  We told him that we had given her the rest of the money she was looking for.  Today we decided to call the lady to see if she had the surgery.  She said that she did not have the surgery because she used the money to pay her children’s school fees.  She is presently looking for more money; she said that she has changed doctors and found one in Yendi that will do the surgery.  Her story this time is that she is presently in the Yendi hospital waiting for the doctor to schedule the surgery and tell her how much money the surgery is going to cost.  This all sounds fishy to us!  Tomorrow we are going to the hospital and see if she is really there.

Please say a special prayer for our friend Mike M. He has had surgery and is in intensive care.  Please pray for the doctor and the nurses and for Mike’s family.

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie

Skeeter’s Monkey Business

Have you ever been in the rain?  I never have!  Now that is really weird!  Who wants to take a forced bath?  It rained a little this afternoon and Mom made me stand in the rain; I did not like that, not one little bit!  Every time a drop of rain hit me it made me jerk!  Mom said that she does not mind getting wet but I have to agree with Dad; I hate being wet!  The only good thing about the rain was that it smelled good and it made everything cooler.  I guess it was cooler but then again I might have felt cooler because I was wet!  At least I had my romper on so not all of me got wet!  I don’t know what monkeys in the wild do when it rains.

I found a new place to hide and it is nearly impossible for the parents to reach me.  There is a bookshelf in the bedroom and they stack all the extra pillows on top of the bookshelf.  I discovered that I could climb on the headboard of the bed and leap up onto the pillows.  The pillows make it extra comfy! 

Zorash scared me today.  I was at the Child Center helping Mom cut fabric scraps and Zorash was helping too.  I was sitting there minding my own business and all of a sudden Zorash lunged across the table at me!  I jumped back in fear and I screeched!  Mom told Zorash that she did not like it when she deliberately scared me; she told her that if I get mean and start to bite I will bite her.  Zorash said that she was sorry but I do not believe her.

Stay Dry!

Love Skeeter
