Well, the electricity went out last night around 9pm and it was still off when we left this morning for the village of Borido. We are just thankful for the generator !
Timothy Niligrini showed up around 9am today. He had gotten all the bags sewn for the collection holders that Red had made for us for the seminar. Kandie came up with the idea that she and Timothy would thread all the bags on the handles while we were traveling to and from Borido. It all worked out . They got all 50 assembled.
When we arrived at Borido we noticed the Church’s signboard was wedged in a fork of a tree. Several of the brothers said they think it was knocked down due to vandalism. I told them to load it in the back of the pickup and I would have Red wield some new legs on it and they could come pick it up when it is ready. They thought that was a good idea!
Borido isn’t a large congregation but they are always happy to have us visit them. There were 12 men, 6 women, and 26 children present for worship. The contribution was 42.80 Ghana Cedis which equates to $3.89 USD. I usually don’t give this info in the Notes but today I thought some of you might like to know how poor most of these congregations are. Timothy interpreted for me as I continued to teach about witchcraft, Juju, soothsayers, dreams and etcetera. During the question period a sister asked about the people running prayer camps. Prayer camps are places in Ghana where you go to have someone pray for you especially if you have an illness. Even terminally ill will go there in a last ditch effort to be miraculously healed. You can stay there if you choose but everythingthe prayer leader does for you comes with a price. The same sister said she was told one man at a prayer camp nearby will not even come out to see you until you have purchased a ticket that has a hefty price. It is sad that people who have a severe illness can be conned out of their money by these wicked people disguised as followers of Christ.
We have great news to report tonight! There were 3 young men, one young woman, and one young mother who wanted to be baptized at Kulkpeni. After taking their confession of Christ we loaded them in the bed of the pickup with Timothy and Kwabena and drove to the river which is ¼ mile up the road. The bugs were out in force and the water was clear without any red eyes (crocodile) peering back at us so the baptisms went off as planned. It was a wonderful night!
Have a good day and may God bless!
In His service,
Stephen and Kandie Taylor