Before leaving the compound we had to make sure the masons had all the supplies they needed. With that out of the way our destination was the village of Duuni this morning. Duuni is located on the road south of Yendi toward Bimbila. We now have good roads so it didn’t take us but 25 minutes to get to the church building.

We arrived with plenty of time to walk over to the chief’s house and say “Hi” to him. It took us longer to walk to and from the chief’s house than it did to converse with him. The man’s hearing is starting to go; one of the young men stood close to him and related our greetings.

By the time we walked back to the church building it was time to start services. This is one of the bigger congregations that we work with. The total present for worship  including children today was 144. Timothy Niligrini interpreted for me as I preached on a lesson entitled “What a Christian will not do”.  They reserved the bible class time for after services to be used for the question and answer time which worked out very well. Some of the church leaders requested that I talk about “Prayer Camps”.  Prayer camps are places that people go to stay and pay an individual(s) to pray for them to get well. As a general rule this includes a very hefty price tag for any and every prayer that is offered.  Most people have serious ailments or are terminal wishing to get better but this doesn’t receive any sympathy from these swindlers; they are looking to fill their pockets with the patient’s money!

Before  returning to Yendi the church members so graciously presented us with a guinea fowl and a large number of freshly dug yams.  We divided the yams with Timothy and gave him the fowl. He knew his wife Rita would be happy to see the food stuff coming to the house.

Tonight at Kulkpeni I was giving the people some scriptures dealing with “Fasting”. Fasting is a very popular thing to do over here. Of course the Moslems fast a lot and the denominations do quite a bit of it as well.  As Americans we don’t do much fasting and our belt lines are a testament to that.   I emphasized this is to be done when serious situations arise and not to do it just because “everyone is doing it”.  

We received more rain today for which we are very grateful to the Lord.  Thank you so much for your support. Also thank you for all the positive feedback we are getting since the new email server has been sending the individual emailing of the “Yendi Notes”.  It is important to us that you know what we are doing over here!

Have a good day and may God bless!

In His service,

Stephen and Kandie Taylor
