As you know we have been struggling with the emails, the server, and the network  Well somehow for some reason at least one of the Yendi Notes did not get posted to the website or to Facebook.   We know this because my sister noticed April 2nd had not been posted and my aunt sent an email and asked where the monkey had come from.  Steve found the April 2nd email and sent it to Melissa; she will post it.  We were driving around town handing mangoes out to the children when we saw 3 young men with a baby monkey.  Every once in a while we will see a monkey that someone has for a pet but this was the smallest  one we have ever seen.  The men brought the monkey to the truck to get a mango.  The monkey is an orphan; hunters killed his mother to eat.  I asked if the monkey was for sale because I was worried; I doubted that the men could keep the monkey alive.  And if they were able to keep him alive when he grew up he would probably be sold and eaten.  They said the monkey was not for sale because he was their friend.  We went down the road a little ways and I told Steve that I wanted to go back and try to buy the monkey.  Steve reminded me that they already said they were not selling the monkey.  I told him that everything in Ghana has a price.  Long story short we went back and bought the baby monkey for a little less than 15 dollars.  The monkey is so small that he does not have all his teeth yet.  He drinks from a bottle and he wears diapers.  Our plan is to let him grow enough to eat solid food and then to take him to the monkey sanctuary, where he will be safe from hunters.  He seems to be thriving and has started eating little bites of mango, crackers and corn flakes.  We have been enjoying his company!

Red came by this afternoon to pick up part of the money we owed him for the gravel he hauled to Kulkpeni on Sunday.  He also brought a small welder that someone wanted to sell; it was new.  We tried it out but it did not work.  When Red called the owner and told him he said that he had another one that we could try.  The second one worked.  There is an old heavy welder here at the mission house but this one is light weight and will be easier to move.  It did not come with the cables; Red is going to buy the cables.  

The electricity at the Child Center is off again.  Steve made 2 trips to VRA (the electric company) today and they finally solved the problem.  The meter is a pre-paid meter and the man in the office said that the low voltage will cause the meter to mal-function and have to be restarted.  At least we know why it is mal-functioning.  

We only got 1 bucket of mangoes off the trees today so our mango season is about finished.

Thank you for the love, prayers and support.

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie   
