Donkey was the only one working today so he got all the mangoes.  The last time I saw his stash he had ½ of a hundred pound feed sack full of mangos.  The problem with the mangoes is that when they are ripe they fall from the tree and there is nothing to cushion their fall.  Most of them are bruised from the fall and they will not last more than a day after they fall.  They have to be shared quickly or they do not look nice.

Zorash is in the process of making soybean kabobs; when she makes them she shares with us.  It is a very labor intensive job and a 2 day process.  She provides the soybeans, labor, grinding and firewood; we provide the Epsom’s salt (the coagulating agent) and the oil to fry them in.  She said that she wanted to make them today and tomorrow because on Monday they start fasting and she wanted everyone in her house and her neighbors to enjoy them before they have to fast.  I suggested that she should make them against the time of fasting so that she would have something quick and easy to prepare for breakfast but she said they would not enjoy them like that because they enjoy them best when they can walk past the container of kabobs and pick one to eat; she said they eat them all day long and that is the best!

When Zorash came to the mission house this afternoon to get the oil and Epsom’s salt she brought her nephew Shuhene with her; he is about 10 or 11 years old and he lives with her.  Actually he is sort of adopted.  His mother died when he was born and Zorash’s sister took him in to raise.  She does not live around here.  When Shuhene was a toddler her sister came for a visit and she did not take Shuhene back home; she left him for Zorash to raise.  They have never adopted him and at some time in the future his father or uncles can claim him back.  They stayed a long time because they were gathering mangoes.  When she left she had a box full of mangos so not only are they going to have soybean kabobs but they are going to have enough mangoes to make them have stomach distress!  Ha!  What a way to go!

Steve went to town today to buy propane gas (that is what we cook with and one of our bottles ran out yesterday) and he also needed to buy diesel for the pickup.  He was gone so long that I had begun to worry about him.  He said that he had a terrible time getting to the filling station because they are making new roads through Yendi and they had blocked off many of the streets that connect to the filling station.  At least the truck has a full tank of diesel and we won’t have to buy any more until next week.  

Thank you for the love, support and prayers.

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie
