Still no tax clearance certificate; the tax office failed us but we are not really surprised! We sat in their office part of the morning and part of the afternoon. While we were eating our lunch they called and told us that we had not paid the withholding tax for March in 2019. Please! We dug around through the receipts and found where they had been paid and the receipts stamped. We quickly carried the receipts to the office because the guy that is helping us had already made out a bill for us. He was surprised that we had indeed paid the taxes. He then said we had not filed the Child Center’s annual returns; yes we had; we had shown that to him yesterday, I guess he just forgot. We told him that we would bring him another copy; he said that was not necessary but I disagreed with him. I told him we wanted our file to be complete. We were hopeful that they would be able to clear all the problems and give us the certificate today but when we left the office at 3:30 we doubted that we would get it. We will try again in the morning.
Zorash was not at work today because she had a meeting with her volunteer group. The big wigs from Accra and Tamale were coming to talk to the ladies that they were helping. Steve had his continuing education class at the hospital this morning; they were discussing measles. It is disturbing that more and more cases of measles are cropping up. Amama and I had the Child Center by ourselves but only a handful of mothers came this morning. We are not complaining because that gave us time to go back to the tax office after Steve’s class was over.
This afternoon 3 of the brothers from Nadundo came to the mission house. They are the congregation that has recently been reestablished. When we visited with them a couple weeks ago we promised them a couple benches. They came to pick up the benches and they asked if we could help provide them with a table for the communion. We had an extra metal table so Steve gave that to them as well. I used a big permanent marker and wrote “Church of Christ” on the bottom of the benches because they do not have a church building and the benches will have to stay in someone’s house until time for worship. We wanted the church to be able to identify their benches. They were happy when they left the compound. Thanks to those of you who give us money for evangelism.
Papa still has not come back to work. We are going to have to insist that he goes to the hospital to find out exactly what is wrong. If he is still dizzy after starting the blood pressure medicine then something else is wrong and he needs to find out so he can get treatment.
Thank you for the love, prayers and support.
In His Service,
Steve and Kandie