Our time back in the States has really flown by.  The week after arriving home we flew out to Lubbock, Texas to attend the Verett family reunion; a gathering of Kandie’s father’s family.  Several of the families have supported the Ghana work for years.  The reunion gives us a chance not only to reconnect with family but to report on the work in Ghana. 

We spent a good portion of our time home repairing our house.  The upstairs ceiling had to have the sheet rock repaired and painted.   The damage was caused by a water leak in the roof that happened last year while we were in Ghana.  The skylight was replaced last time we were home but we had to put off the interior work until this trip home.  The work was finished just a few days before we left for Limestone Bible Camp which meant we had a messed up house to return to after camp was over.  We took the opportunity then to do some washing and repainting of wood work.  This required us to use several weeks of our time to get the job done.  Both of us are sore from bending over; it is hard for us to wiggle.  Ha! It is like Kandie’s grandfather used to say, “It doesn’t pay to get old!”

In my absence Timothy Niligrini held the monthly Church leaders class in June and July.  He reported that 27 men attended the June Class; 9 people were baptized and 2 were restored to the Church.  In July 25 men came to the class.  The men reported that 6 more people were added to the church and 2 were restored.  Timothy continues using the review lesson for the series of lessons I created for the men and women’s responsibilities for the church.

Timothy also commented that the rains that usually get heavier in July have not been coming regularly which means the dry season will be a lean one this coming year because of crop failure.  There is a good possibility that many people will be hungry.

We purchased our plane tickets and are scheduled to fly out of Huntsville on August 16th.  We will be leaving Ghana to return home, Lord willing, on December 2nd and arriving in Alabama on the 3rd.   Ghana’s presidential election year coincides with the United States.  The election will take place on December 7th.  We want to be out of the country days before the election takes place.  Right now we do not anticipate any problems but we would rather err on the side of caution.   If something did happen, who knows how long it would take before we could come home.

We got some disturbing news from Timothy a couple days ago.  There is a land dispute in the village beyond Kulkpeni where Timothy lives and several people were killed.  The military and the police have been called in as a peacekeeping force.  Please pray that the conflict does not escalate.  If the conflict continues we might have to move August monthly class to the mission house.

Please accept our sincere thanks to all of you for your support whether financial or spiritual. We really appreciate it and the native brethren are grateful as well!

We are using this report to test the new internet server for the Yendi Notes.  Thanks for your patience!

In His Service,

Stephen & Kandie Taylor


We have good news about the daily Yendi Notes.  Our son and daughter-in-law, Aaron and Melissa Taylor, have finally gotten a server set up that should be able to handle the emails.  Our hope is that this new format will allow the daily notes to be sent directly into your personal email boxes again.  When the old server changed hands we lost everyone’s email addresses.  If you or your friends and family would like the emails to come directly to their email boxes please send the email addresses to web.admin@ghanamissionfund.org or you can send your email address to me at taylorsinghana@gmail.com and I will forward them on to Aaron and Melissa.

Email us directly:  taylorsinghana@gmail.com   

Email sign up: web.admin@ghanamissionfund.org

Website:   www.ghanamissionfund.org 
