Steve spent a portion of the day working on the monthly evangelist report.  I told him that he would have to add the 2 baptisms from yesterday to the count that the evangelists and church leaders turned in at the monthly class.

Zorash and Amama came to the compound this morning to pick up their pay.  Pay day was actually last week; we told them that we thought they were saving their pay so they could buy special food items to use when they celebrate the ending of their fasting next week.  Zorash laughed and said that was what they had originally planned but they needed to buy some food now.  They fast from before the sun comes up until it goes down.  They do not eat as much food during the fasting month as they normally do but they still have to get up and cook early and stay up to cook late.  Not only do they not get much to eat during Ramadan but they do not get much sleep!

It was hot again today; the high temperature was 110 degrees with a heat index of 122 degrees.  We can hear thunder in the distance and the wind has picked up which might mean that there is rain in our future.  When the dust blows we have to shut all the doors and windows which makes it doubly hot in the house.  Fortunately we have an air conditioning unit in our bedroom but not in the kitchen or the main part of the house.  

While Amama and Zorash were here this morning they picked up all the mangos that fell from the big mango tree in the front yard and we gave them the mangoes that we picked up early this morning.  We still picked up 359 mangos this afternoon so we had plenty to distribute to the children in town.

Donkey came to the mission house early this morning to borrow a machete (cutlass).  He was digging holes and putting metal bars in the yard of his house.  Sometimes it is difficult to understand him but the best we could figure is that the wind had knocked down part of the makeshift fence around the front of his house.  The fence is made of scrap roofing sheets.

I thought that today was going to be the day that I sat and sewed but I got sidetrack working on the books for the Child Center.  Steve started working on the GRA (IRS) tax and the social security taxes for the workers.  He finished those and they are ready to be paid; he still has to work up the withholding tax for purchases we made in March.  Fun stuff!

Zorash said that there is a fight between 2 groups of people in a village far outside of Yendi.  She said that 12 people were shot and in the hospital and one was dead.  The people that are fighting are actually two branches of the same family.  They have been fighting for years.  This fight seems to be over who is the real chief of the community.  The military was called in.

Take care and enjoy your day!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie
